Neal mixes the realistic with the absurd for his E3 2014 predictions.
When I first started at Nintendo World Report, My E3 predictions would be wild and crazy. As time has passed, I've kind of learned how to manage my expectations to a realistic level, especially after being burned by the somewhat tamer reveals of Nintendo's past few E3s. Still, I love making bonkers predictions. My predictions for E3 2014 will satisfy both parts of my speculative ideals.

Safe Prediction: Nintendo's big focus will be their NFC figurines, as I think they will be their big, giant holiday push this year. I expect some will label the Nintendo Figurine Platform as a "Kinect-like relaunch" of the Wii U. As for what the NFC games will be, I expect something similar in scope to Nintendo Land, but with more possibility for expansion. Maybe the base game is free and figures unlock playable characters and modes. Maybe it isn't a boxed retail game but a series of downloadable ones. I'm not really that sure, but I wouldn't be surprised is some of those names that are popping up like Pokken Fighters and S.T.E.A.M. are involved. Also, NFC figures will unlock other content in other games, too, such as trophies in Smash Bros. on Wii U, weapons and armor in X, and power-ups in Yarn Yoshi.
Nonsense Prediction: Nintendo's NFP thing will consume the entire company, as figures will almost be used as currency. eShop credit will be replaced by figures, with Pikachu representing $1, Mario representing $5, and Link representing $10. Games will now come in figures, and these poseable figures will be able to do different things in game depending on how you pose them. Screw it. Can this just turn into that move Small Soldiers?

Safe Prediction: I think Super Smash Bros. will be a major part of Nintendo's E3 show. That's not really prediction. It's more fact. Even still, I expect we will see a few more character confirmations/reveals, including Ness, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, and some newcomers. We will also find out how Super Smash Bros. on Wii U is different from 3DS. I think those NFC figures will play a role.
Nonsense Prediction: Nintendo reveals the names for the two Smash Bros. games: Super Smash Bros. Fire Red and Super Smash Bros. Ice Blue. Each game features exclusive Pokémon.

Safe Prediction: The Legend of Zelda Wii U will be shown in some sort of video form. It might just be a trailer, or it could be a vertical slice demo. I expect the former.
Hyrule Warriors will be the dominant Zelda game at E3 2014, though, and we'll get some fan-directed reveals for playable characters and locations. I still think Majora's Mask 3DS is happening, but if Zelda Wii U has a playable demo, I think we'll hear about Majora's Mask 3DS in a July Nintendo Direct. Either way, if Majora's Mask 3DS is mentioned, it will be brief.
Nonsense Prediction: Hyrule Warriors features Tingle and Makar as playable characters. Zelda on Wii U is like X-Men: Days of Future Past in that it involves a realistic-looking Link sent back in time to the end of The Wind Waker to stop Link and Tetra from living out Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, making the next game in the series a direct sequel to Wind Waker.

Prediction: I don't have a bonkers one for this. I think X will have some mention during the Nintendo Digital Event but that's it. I expect it to still be labeled as 2014.
Safe Prediction: I expect the mystery 3DS game at the Wednesday night developer discussion will be a new franchise or new take on a franchise. If it is a new franchise, Miyamoto is involved.
Nonsense Prediction: The mystery 3DS game is an open-world F-Zero game where you play as Captain Falcon in a Grand Theft Auto-style adventure that mixes between bounty hunting missions and races. It also somehow ties into Star Fox. And Metroid. And Punch-Out. And Advance Wars.

Safe Predictions: I think there is at least one other Wii U game we don't know about. I believe it will be something from an established franchise, perhaps a tease of Animal Crossing Wii U.
While I don't think it will be playabe, I think we will hear a mention of Next Level Games' next project.
Nonsense Predictions: Mario American Football. By Next Level Games.