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The Wii U eShop Is Stealing My Playtime

by Neal Ronaghan - December 4, 2012, 1:31 pm EST
Total comments: 2

Watch as Neal attempts to compare ZombiU to Little Inferno and other nonsense.

On day one, the Wii U eShop is already dangerously close to trumping the first year of downloadable games on the 3DS. With four stellar games (and one interesting but mediocre one), the young service has much to love. So much, in fact, that I’ve put off playing retail games because I have been sucked into the swirling vortex of easy-to-dive-into eShop games.

I mean, why play ZombiU when you can play Little Inferno? Both games are oddly unsettling and the latter lets you burn things. While Tomorrow Corporation’s debut title isn’t for everyone, it was one of my favorite recent gaming experiences. Even after finishing it, I relish watching my wife play it, as she’s bewildered by the off-putting story while racking her brain for some of the more esoteric combos. This isn’t a physics simulator, just like ZombiU isn’t a first-person shooter. Looks can be deceiving, and Little Inferno isn’t exactly what you think it is.

The Challenge mode in New Super Mario Bros. U is aces (as is the rest of the game), but it doesn’t quite hit me in the same way as parring levels in Mighty Switch Force HD has. While I haven’t gone back to collect Star Coins and go deeper into the Challenges in the new Mario game, I have gotten hopelessly addicted to WayForward’s HD remake of their stellar 2011 3DS release. Currently, I’ve parred all of the levels from the original game and I’m working my way through the new Hyper stages.

Recently, I’ve hit a snag in my quest for completion in Mighty Switch Force HD, as I started playing a game where shooting is the focus. No, it’s not the shooting of Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Instead, it’s Shin’en’s Nano Assault Neo, a high score-focused follow-up to last year’s spectacular 3DS game Nano Assault. With gorgeous visuals and well-integrated leaderboards, I’m having a blast shooting up bugs and parasites. Though, honestly, I will likely never catch up to NWR’s Guillaume or Patrick’s high scores.

On launch day, I bought Assassin’s Creed III. I have yet to play it. I have, however, played some of the gorgeous Trine 2, a delightful physics-based platformer that looks absolutely gorgeous on the system. It’s like a modern-day Lost Vikings, and whether you’re playing co-op or by yourself, it is an amazing experience.

Can you think of any outrageous stretch comparisons of retail games to eShop games? If so, let the Nintendo Land/Chasing Aurora comparisons fly in Talkback! Or, you know, talk about how rad the Wii U eShop is and how we all want more games to come out on it.


KITT 10KDecember 04, 2012

You REALLY should play AC III, (it's by far my favorite game on the Wii U so far). And (if I you haven't already) feel free to add me to your friend list (along with anyone else). My game ID is KITT_10K.

Fatty The HuttDecember 04, 2012


Or, you know, talk about how rad the Wii U eShop is and how we all want more games to come out on it.

The Wii U e-Shop is indeed rad. Very rad and I want more games to come out on it.

Currently loving Trine 2 (what little I have played) and Little Inferno. Its such a weird, compelling mindf*ck right now. Can't wait to get to the bottom of it all. I am on my 4th catalogue.

I like the idea of also downloading retail but haven't done it on Wii U yet. I am very tempted by Tekken since the Wii Uis already and excellent multiplayer machine and I want more options to play with my kids. It's fun virtually punching them in the face!

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