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GoldenEye 007 Wi-Fi Night

by Zachary Miller and Neal Ronaghan - February 5, 2011, 11:30 am EST
Total comments: 50

Hop online, shoot some friends, and win some prizes.

On February 5, join Nintendo World Report staff members, forum members, and other randoms to play Activision and Eurocom's Wii re-imagining, GoldenEye 007.

During the night, we'll be giving numerous prizes, including copies of GoldenEye 007 on DS, copies of Blood Stone on DS, and GoldenEye t-shirts.

If you plan to join, add your Friend Code into the Talkback thread below, and then add every other Friend Code there. Once we get all that number stuff out of the way, playing GoldenEye online should be a snap!

Check back closer to the day for more details on exactly when the event will start and how we'll be giving away the swag.

UPDATE: The massacre will start around 7 p.m. EST. Naturally, you can play whenever you want, but if you want to get prizes and such, start playing around 7 p.m.

Prizes available include:

Two copies of GoldenEye 007 (DS)

Two copies of Blood Stone (DS)

One GoldenEye t-shirt (the Oddjob Cheater one)


circasurviverJanuary 27, 2011

NOOOOOOOOOO. I'll be in Yosemite for my wife's birthday  :(

GoldenPhoenixJanuary 27, 2011

Sounds fun


CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterJanuary 27, 2011

I'm in!!!!

KDR_11kJanuary 27, 2011


Expect surprise butt-SEGS.

OreantaAlexandre Trottier, Contributing WriterJanuary 27, 2011

Sounds awesome! Hopefully I can make it :D

ZoltanJanuary 27, 2011

Do you need the system code too or will the one for the game itself be enough?

I might be able to join in if my copy arrives in time. Reserving.

Edit: Disregard, USPS sucks.

Chocobo_RiderJanuary 27, 2011

I'm in! Here's my code!


Btw, I hope the prizes aren't awarded via competition (though I guess, how else would they do it, right?), because I'm quite good at getting shot in online FPSs!! So I guess all of you can rejoice that I'm going to participate. ^_^
I'm fairly bad-ass in 1P (please someone make an online co-op FPS!), but when it comes to a human opponent I just don't have that talent.

Still looking forward to having a good time with cool people and wicked GoldenEye007 action!

Killer_Man_JaroTom Malina, Associate Editor (Europe)January 29, 2011

2245 3541 7335
GoldenEye Name: KMJaro

I might be doing something when this goes down, so I may have to drop out. Have you got any news on what time it will take place?

Chocobo_RiderJanuary 30, 2011

ah yes, what time indeed?  It would be best if I knew ahead of time so I could schedule for it!

~human target
I mean,

Neal posted this for me...while I was (and still am) in Vegas so I'm not EXACTLY "in the know" on the details. But it is exciting. We've been talking about this since December, for pete's sake.

I imagine there will be tiered prizes. One based on total experience earned during the night (I'll be keeping track), one on overall total round winner, and maybe one more. Maybe some kind of lottery prize. I think Neal's got a lot of stuff he wants to unload on you poor readers. I'll be chatting with the man on Tuesday night when I get back so we'll surely have more details after that.

Mop it upJanuary 30, 2011

This will give me a good excuse to finally tear the shrink wrap off of this game.

Quote from: NinSage

please someone make an online co-op FPS!

There are plenty in existence, there just aren't any on the Wii.

EasyCureJanuary 30, 2011

Quote from: Mop

This will give me a good excuse to finally tear the shrink wrap off of this game.

Plus its a really good game :)

I might join, I've yet to play online so this should be interesting..

Chocobo_RiderJanuary 31, 2011

Quote from: Mop

There are plenty in existence, there just aren't any on the Wii.

Well, specifically, the game I'd be looking for must also meet the following criteria:

1. The game can't be set in a "real life" war. That whole sub-genre is just white noise to me.

2. The co-op must be for either the main campaign or something very similar.  No silly "multiplayer" missions that have no bearing on the actually events of the game. (see: my notes about Conduit 2 on the NinTemple forum.)

3. The protagonists cannot be roid-raging testosterone junkies more concerned with disemboweling, dismembering and disintegrating than, say, having a give-and-take discussion to decide a plan of action.

Remember, I'm cool with a Travis Touchdown because his depth of character allows for a scrawny, lovable loser who happens to enjoy a good dismemberment.  Characters like Marcus Fenix just make me want to take a shower. =P

4. Also, I did the dual-analog thing in the Halo 1 days.  I find the pointing and shooting of the wiimote much more comfortable for ... pointing... and shooting.  So, uh, yea, I guess that's also a prerequisite.  (is the PSMove free by any chance?)

So, if not on the Wii, what PSMove shooter has online co-op in the campaign, a fictional setting and non-2D characters?

Mop it upJanuary 31, 2011

Well now you're attaching a bunch of qualifiers to it, whereas before you simply asked for an online co-op FPS. I don't know much about games on other systems so you'll have to do your own research to see if any of them suit your taste.

Chocobo_RiderJanuary 31, 2011

I know, Mop.  Just illustrating why my original request didn't need the system-specific qualifier.

Off the top of my head, Conduit, Red Steel 2 and GoldenEye are three FPSs I own that meet all those criteria minus the online co-op.  In a few weeks, Conduit 2 will do the same.

This is why the Wii is the right console for me ^_^ ... and why I'm left just wishing someone would add some dang online co-op! =P

Flames_of_chaosLukasz Balicki, Staff AlumnusJanuary 31, 2011

Count me in.


KDR_11kJanuary 31, 2011

Onslaught (WiiWare) has online coop but good luck finding a match for that nowadays.

Chocobo_RiderJanuary 31, 2011

Quote from: KDR_11k

Onslaught (WiiWare) has online coop but good luck finding a match for that nowadays.

haha, yea, I remember looking into that game many, many moons ago and feeling it looked very underwhelming.  was there even a "main campaign" to play through? like, with a plot and events? did the protagonists even have names/faces?

I honestly do not know, but it struck me as the kind of game that might not include items like those.

Chocobo_RiderJanuary 31, 2011

hmm, Radio Free Nintendo just said this was happening on Feb 7th.... just a slip of the tongue or was it rescheduled?

Quote from: NinSage

hmm, Radio Free Nintendo just said this was happening on Feb 7th.... just a slip of the tongue or was it rescheduled?

Whatever is in this thread is right. RFN must've gotten it wrong.

Chocobo_RiderJanuary 31, 2011

Thanks for the clarification!

KDR_11kFebruary 01, 2011

Quote from: NinSage

haha, yea, I remember looking into that game many, many moons ago and feeling it looked very underwhelming.  was there even a "main campaign" to play through? like, with a plot and events? did the protagonists even have names/faces?

Names yes but you never saw their faces. They did talk though and it wasn't the typical broey stuff. Hell, one of the samey-looking soldiers is female.

EasyCureFebruary 01, 2011

Saturday huh? Any time yet? I'd love to join, even for a few. I have off this weekend so I'm free, but plans come up so..?

ThanerosFebruary 02, 2011

Hello all! my friend code is 5374-0312-8432 Add me not only for the Wi-Fi night but as a friend as well.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterFebruary 02, 2011

Added everyone so far, can't wait!

lynnvinFebruary 04, 2011


My Friend Code is 5366-8113-5120

Name is GS Vince

Looking forward to some fun

Check here tomorrow before the match for the "rules." By rules I mean, "things to aim for if you want to win some swag."

gusemaFebruary 05, 2011

My friend code is 382545268625

BeautifulShyFebruary 05, 2011

I don't have the game yet but I don't see the time listed for the start of the matchup. I'm sure everybody would want to know that.

KDR_11kFebruary 05, 2011

Without a time this is going nowhere.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterFebruary 05, 2011

Can't wait! Got a martial arts seminar this morning, but as soon as i'm done i'm ready to kick some butt!

RobsABeastFebruary 05, 2011

I'm in.  My friend code is 4343 2943 3442
Do we know how long this is going to last and what we have to do to win the prizes?

ChiramiiFebruary 05, 2011

I'll join the fun too, only played in once though (online)

KDR_11kFebruary 05, 2011

Next time give a GMT offset for your timezone, most people don't know what EST is. It's -5, for reference.

I'm bowing out, 1 at night is too late for my tastes.

Killer_Man_JaroTom Malina, Associate Editor (Europe)February 05, 2011

I'm also going to have to drop out from this. I was hoping for an earlier start, but these things happen.

Sorry KDR and Killer_Man_Jaro. :( Hopefully this event will still get you guys a lot of folks' friend codes so you have more people to play against that you (kind of) know.

Also, as far as prizes and longevity go, Zach and I are still a little unsure as to how exactly the prizes will be doled out (he's working on it), but the party won't stop until they're all given out. So join the IRC chat (in the article), kick some ass, and pay attention to any game-specific goals (e.g. Kill Neal/Zach first in a specific round).


I'm adding everyone above in hopes of participating tonight. It's been too long since I played this fantastic game!

My friend code: 199917848543

Adding everyone else above me.

One hour til game time, folks!

Okay, here's how this is going down.

First off, there's an instant problem: only eight players per round. I assume we'll be able to switch around players.

GO FOR THE WIN! Things we want you to do to win prizes:

Most experience gained, total, during the entire event. I will track experience gained by each player at the end of each round, add it up, and figure out who dominated in terms of experience.
Most kills, total, during the entire event. I will track individual kills for each player at the end of each round, and figure out who dominated in terms of SPILLING BLOOD.
Kill the Hosts First: Zach and Neal will make note of who killed them first (assuming it's not each-other). If the same player managed to kill us first, there may be a prize involved.
Overall round winner: I will track the overall round winner since the game types will switch up. The person who got the most game type wins will get a prize.
JACKPOT: It's like a hidden trophy. Just play and have fun. You might win the last prize!

Twenty minutes, people!

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterFebruary 05, 2011

I'll try to play every other round to help with rotations.

KingHyruleousFebruary 05, 2011

I'm in 2475-4926-6227

GE:007 name: peanut


CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterFebruary 05, 2011

ok where is everyone? im sending invites, I am RomanceDawn.

How about Halbred hosts?

I joined Halbred but looks like its just me and him, did everyone add everyone?

I'm hosting, we're just waiting on Neal's team to finish their round.
Then we can all get together.

Hop on the IRC chat on the front page.

nintendo1945February 05, 2011

Wish I caught this earlier.

My code is 0069-5428-8499

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterFebruary 05, 2011

I thought it turned out pretty well. Who else uses the Wiimote? By the last game my arm was aching. Freakin Robisabeast and Johny man! Good games guys!

xcwarriorFebruary 06, 2011

Dang I missed it! Was at a birthday party when it began. Do it again sometime!

roykoopa64February 07, 2011

Missed it too! Hope there's another online match later on!

Mop it upFebruary 07, 2011

I wasn't available since I was busy, but I don't think I would have done well since it would have been my first time playing the game.

What was the turnout?

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