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Shaken, Not Stirred

by Neal Ronaghan - October 7, 2008, 7:20 pm EDT
Total comments: 21

The first event on the schedule was about Activision's upcoming Spider-Man game, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows. This was low-key. However, the event following it which involved Quantum of Solace was not.

First, I was taken in a car with Evan from Nintendojo. In the driver's seat sat an "undercover chauffeur" and a Bond girl sat in the passenger seat. We zipped around the streets of Santa Monica as they told us "we were being chased." We wound up being dumped into a parking lot where someone with a trunk full of briefcases gave us each a briefcase and told us to put on the shirt inside and read the note for further instructions. Also in this briefcase was a fake gun, fake bullets, a small screwdriver set, a fake passport, and a lot of fake money.

Now clad in our bangin' suit shirts, we re-entered the car and were finally driven to the actual location of the event. When we arrived, we posed for pictures near an Aston Martin and were handed martinis (shaken, not stirred). We then played the new Quantum of Solace game for about an hour and a half. We were then booted outside around the nice pool area of the hotel where we were treated to an open bar, bikini-clad women, and food ranging from sushi to chicken and waffles.

Finally, after about two hours, we were allowed back into the room where the games were setup. Only this time, there were casino games ranging from Texas Hold'em and Blackjack to Roulette and Craps.

Not sporting the trademark hangover that half of the journalists at the event seemed to have, I enjoyed the final day of the event as I previewed the latest Call of Duty game.

Then I flew home. It was fun.


DjunknownOctober 07, 2008

Which one is you? And how come you don't have an arm on of those young women?

Quote from: Djunknown

Which one is you? And how come you don't have an arm on of those young women?

I would be the fellow on the left.
And I was shy.

EasyCureOctober 07, 2008

lucky bastard. that sounds awesome!

NinGurl69 *hugglesOctober 07, 2008

Where the hell is the coverage on the Bond game?

The Wii Bond game, no less.

Quote from: NinGurl69

Where the hell is the coverage on the Bond game?

The Wii Bond game, no less.

Umm...it wasn't there.
Yea, I was bummed too.

NinGurl69 *hugglesOctober 07, 2008


StogiOctober 07, 2008

Quote from: nron10

Quote from: Djunknown

Which one is you? And how come you don't have an arm on of those young women?

I would be the fellow on the left.
And I was shy.

Dude, the girl on the left looks like she was the tightest one! If it were me I would have....................

Anyway, sounds like a bad ass trip. I'm glad you had fun.

P.S. I like my stirred, not shaken, very dry, with lots of olives. (olives are the best part)

West Coast USA FTW! We need a gaming convention up here in Alaska. I mean, Alaska Pacific University has one every year, but it's more for the students tan anyone else. But...you know...it's fun?

Dude, the girl in black is a cutie. And you look like John Oliver from The Daily Show. ;-)

ShyGuyOctober 08, 2008

I can't see the car in that picture. :(

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusOctober 08, 2008

Nice man, this sounded like a badass trip. Glad you had a good time, I'll have to try and get hooked up with one of these trips next time...

Quote from: NinGurl69


My sentiments exactly.

Apparently Beenox is working on the Wii game. I don't think they have the best track record.

RABicleOctober 08, 2008

Full fist.

NinGurl69 *hugglesOctober 08, 2008

Brothers in Bonds: Double-O Seven Time

Ubi: Reigning King of Krap



KDR_11kOctober 08, 2008

That sounds like a subtle hint "hey, don't be so critical about our game".

Quote from: Mr.

Nice man, this sounded like a badass trip. Glad you had a good time, I'll have to try and get hooked up with one of these trips next time...

Activision does you right.  They flew me out to San Fran a few years ago for a press event and it was awesome.  No theatrics, but they put me up in a swank hotel downtown.

Infernal MonkeyOctober 09, 2008

Nintendojo's still around? I said wow!

ShyGuyOctober 09, 2008

Quote from: Silks

Activision does you right.  They flew me out to San Fran a few years ago for a press event and it was awesome.  No theatrics, but they put me up in a swank hotel downtown.

MONEYHAT! Quantum of Solace a perfect 10!

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusOctober 09, 2008

I wonder what would happen if you took a moneyhat and then totally snubbed the company....

That would be hilarious... and profitable.

Quote from: ShyGuy

MONEYHAT! Quantum of Solace a perfect 10!

My reviews are totally for sale.  As soon as I became Reviews Editor my scruples went out the window, and I became all about that scrilla scrilla make another milla.

Quote from: Silks

Quote from: ShyGuy

MONEYHAT! Quantum of Solace a perfect 10!

My reviews are totally for sale.  As soon as I became Reviews Editor my scruples went out the window, and I became all about that scrilla scrilla make another milla.

Why do you think I signed up for reviews for games that I saw?

I mean, it could be that my interest was actually piqued...or Activision could've given me lots of money.

KDR_11kOctober 10, 2008

Perhaps you just thought up some new expletives just for this review on the flight home?

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