If you want an ocarina, you should look into these.
Lately, with all the various pre-order bonuses for Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, there has been a lot made of the fact that some countries are getting a real ocarina with the game. Now, they are basically cheap plastic instruments, but for those of you who really want a real Zelda ocarina, you should think about purchasing one of these.
A few years ago, I ordered an Ocarina of Time from a website called Songbird Ocarinas. The first time I found out that these existed was from a gaming magazine ad around 2002. Anyway, I finally ordered one back in '07, and it really is fantastic.
The Ocarina of Time
Back then, there were two styles of Zelda Ocarina’s to choose from: a standard one, which covered one octave and an extended range, with two additional notes. As of right now, the base model is the extended range one, although slightly remodeled, by the looks of it. The new deluxe version is a 12 hole ocarina, with a 21 note range. It also has a silver band and Triforce gem stones near the mouth piece, just like the one from the game.
The ocarinas all come with songbooks that are easy to read and learn. The books cover a lot of Zelda songs from Ocarina of Time, as well as some other non-gaming songs, such as Happy Birthday, Amazing Grace, etc.
The build quality of these are fantastic and feel nice when holding them, the sound also is nice, and once you can play a few songs well, it sounds even better. My ocarina came with a small carry case with the Triforce logo on it, I assume that this is still the case with the newer ones.
Carry Case
It is also possible to buy the Fairy Ocarina, although it only comes in the extended range model. If you love Zelda and want a real Ocarina of Time, you cannot get much better than these.
Here are a couple of songs I recorded using my ocarina.