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September 30, 1999

Trip on Dolphin

by Billy Berghammer - 5:32 pm EDT
Source: IGN64

We don't mean trip over the console either, we're of course referring to 3D0 founder, Trip Hawkins!

3DO is definitely going to develop for Dolphin, yet they don't have Development kits yet. IGN64 has the stuff...

3DO's founder and CEO Trip Hawkins told IGN64 today that the company will "absolutely" develop software for Nintendo's next-generation console, codenamed Dolphin. However, gamers... Read more...

Did you wish your N64 Happy Birthday?

by Billy Berghammer - 7:32 am EDT

Believe it or not, the Nintendo 64 is three years old today!

Well maybe you were one of the many who got their N64 on the 26th! Can you believe the N64 is 3 years old? Crazy man....crazy. So take you N64 out to Dinner and buy it a few drinks. It deserves it.


S3 Compresses Nintendo GC

by Billy Berghammer - 7:30 am EDT
Source: Gaming Age

Some interesting information on S3 graphics compression, which will be used for the Dolphin.

Special thanks to Gary Moore for the story. The fine folks over at Gaming Age got the goods about Nintendo working with S3 on graphics compression. Check it.

Nintendo and S3 Incorporated today announced a partnership to employ S3's industry-leading graphics technology on Nintendo's next home video game console, code-named 'Dolphin.'


September 29, 1999

First Extreme G 3 Movie online! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 9:16 pm EDT

Fast...really fast. Well, the download might not be, but the game is REALLY REALLY fast.

At the Cube Club, we got the first movie ever of Acclaim's Extreme G 3. This game is looking to kick the N64 predecessors bootay right off the track.

Wanna see it? Click here to take a gander at what Acclaim is cooking up for GameCube launch. This is a 20 meg Quicktime file. It may be super large, but it's packed chock full of serious video, and phat audio. Turn up them speakers, ya'll.


New Rogue Leader Movie! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 4:13 pm EDT

Use the force Luke? Please? C'mon homes you're my only freakin' hope! We have gotten our hands on a movie that will make you want to sprint to a Cube Club!

MMMMMMMM. That's all I really think I can say.

Need a Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2 fix right about now? Click here to check out a little preview! It's a 6.53 meg Quicktime file. May the force be with you...always!

Special thanks to Yorrike from Hardcore Gamers for the bandwith!


September 28, 1999

I want to Hear Something! GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:27 pm EDT
Source: Nintendojo

Check out this excellent audio special from Nintendojo!

Nintendojo have put up an excellent interview with Factor 5 the co-developers of the Dolphin sound chip, go here and read the article........ titled "Sound Byted - Taking Video Game Sound into the Next Generation".


A few words from Miyamoto GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:20 pm EDT
Source: Nintendojo

Shigeru Miyamoto talks about the Game Boy Advance and Dolphin! Good Shiggy quotes found here!

And I mean few. Nintendojo has these few (yet good!) words :)

In an interview with trade publication MCV, Shigeru Miyamoto made his first comments regarding the Game Boy Advance. "We're providing the industry with a new system but we have to make it very noticeable to the public why they should... Read more...

Ron Jeremy is Mario! GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:09 pm EDT
Source: Videogames.com

Well just an easy way to say Mario will be more "adult" in his Dolphin incarnation. Videogames.com has got the shiznit....

In a published interview at videogames.com, Miyamoto was asked about the new Mario and he respond by saying that the maturation process will be "in regard to how we are going to deal with the design of the next Mario and his surroundings. I am talking about background scenery, and I'm talking about... Read more...

September 24, 1999

You knew it would happen... GC

by Billy Berghammer - 9:35 am EDT

We were hoping for the best but it looks like the Dolphin will be delayed until 2001.

There will be a delay of the release of Dolphin. It's looking like 2001. My comment....This blows monkey's like a 2 cent whore. Thanks to IGN64 for the unfortunate news.

In a recent interview with Japanese magazine Dengeki Nintendo 64, game designer Shigeru Miyamoto shed some more light on... Read more...

No Dolphin DVD Playback GC

by Billy Berghammer - 9:31 am EDT
Source: IGN64

It looks like our hopes for DVD playback on Dolphin are being dashed about jagged rocks by Nintendo. Alas!

This is bad news. Very bad news. IGN64 has the very bad news. Japan and not US? Yo! Nintendo, remember how many freakin' N64's you have sold here. Don't forget who is helping keep you alive. Here's the poop.

Giant electronics firm Matsushita announced yesterday in a Japanese press conference... Read more...

September 22, 1999

Miyamoto on new Zelda, GBA/GC & More... GC

by Max Lake - 11:12 pm EDT
Source: CVG

When Shiggy speaks, we listen. CVG printed a transcript of the Miyamoto roundtable from Spaceworld...except messed up my question! Grrrr. Good news tho' inside!

Shigeru Miyamoto recently revealed that Luigi would be in Smash Brothers in a recent round table interview at Spaceworld 2001. Figuring we’d want to know more of what Shiggy had to say, one of our UK readers Chris Yates sent us a transcript. Here are a few choice quotes, regarding the new Zelda, no Mario at launch, GBA/GC connections and even more exciting news/views straight from Mr. Miyamoto himself. Check it out!


September 21, 1999

Can you say... Scam? GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 7:25 pm EDT

Some kids get a lawyer to file a Pokémon related gambling suit against Nintendo. Fun for the whole family.

My lord, this is ridiculous. You think Pokemon trading card is equal to Illegal gambling? Just like eating fun dip is equal to smoking one of those funny cigarettes. Hmm...well maybe a bad example.

Anyhoo...Check out this story about two kids actually filling a lawsuit against Nintendo.... Read more...

September 18, 1999

5 Launch Games From Retro Studios? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 9:35 am EDT
Source: IGN 64

Retro is rumored to be working on five launch titles for the Dolphin.

Someone give me a hell yeah! And did I mention one of those games is an RPG? Woah nellie, this is really nice weekend news. And this would have been up earlier but I worked 12 hours yesterday, and I needed sleep. IGN64 has the stuff.

IGN64 has learned that developer Retro Studios is currently... Read more...

September 17, 1999

Sony goes the wrong way

by Billy Berghammer - 10:01 pm EDT
Source: OperatioN2000

Sony gets a head start in the next-gen race... and accidentally leaves out a few things.

You think? It's uglier than the insides of a horses ass and it only has 2 controller ports! And Sony seemed to work real hard on their new controller. Yeah, I am not all that impressed with Sony's next generation to say the least. Well I am done bitching, but my good buddy Justin Nation from OperatioN2000 has a few words of his own. It's an excellent editorial called PS2: Heading in the Wrong Direction? Check it out here.


September 16, 1999

Art - X Chip Delay? GC

by Chris Wiser - 11:52 am EDT
Source: FGNonline

ArtX was going to show its chips at a tech event, but had to cancel due to falling behind schedule a bit.

We are not quite sure if this is from the rumor mill or not, but FGN Online has reported that Art-X has pulled out of the Microprocessor Forum where they were supposed to show their chip. Damn! Well here's the word.

The chipmaker was scheduled to reveal the technology on October 6, but has now had to mysteriously pull out of the event. Rumors are suggesting that Nintendo may have had something to do with the retraction.


September 14, 1999

This is pretty twisted.

by Billy Berghammer - 8:26 pm EDT
Source: Gaming-Age

A little anecdote from a guy who worked for Sega in Japan.

And I am not kidding. You think you have a crappy job? This is pretty sick. How would you like to work for Sega in Japan? Then read this story over at Gaming-Age. You will think about it again. Here's a little excerpt if you think I am just nuts.

On a cold and rainy Monday last December,...

September 13, 1999

PSX2 Unveiled

by Kevin Ries - 7:03 pm EDT
Source: The GIA

Come on... witness the horror...

The CarXMan is in full effect with hookin' me up with the story. It's basically all over the net, but CarX sent me a link to the Gaming Intelligence Agency's story. Remember...this means since Sony has showed their cards....Nintendo is next. :) Well here's what Sony's next system has to offer. Note: it will only have 2 controller ports. Dumbasses! Anyhoo...here you go...


September 9, 1999

The N64 HQ still exists? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 9:46 pm EDT
Source: N2000 HQ

What do you do when the release date is more than a year off and you are starved for info? Get creative...

Not even close. But these people did seem to rip off quite a few things from...well...a bunch of people. Man, they even stole graphics. A cool HQ tribute site to say the least. I noticed their link on the N2000HQ. Well check it out for yourself. What do you think of the N200X mock up they have? Looks cool!


September 8, 1999

I'm hanging with Sable tonight

by Billy Berghammer - 9:44 am EDT

Getting ready for the Dreamcast launch.

Believe it or not, but the radio station that I currently work for is one of the stations that Sega picked to use for their Midnight Madness sale. And Rena Mero....better known as Sable will be at our launch, as well as two Minnesota Vikings. (I am a huge Packers fan...so this should be interesting).... Read more...

News from ECTS GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:31 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

A few Dolphin bits from Miyamoto.

Not a lot of news but at least Miyamoto is talking a bit! Here are a few bit's from Fastest Game News Online concerning the Dolphin. Are you concerned? Not me :)

The legendary creator of Mario was only available for select interviews during the show. In talks he discussed the nature of future gaming and his contribution to it, taking care to stress the importance of low-cost gaming.



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