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September 13, 2000

Pimpin' Time

by Jonathan Metts - 8:10 pm EDT
Source: PlanetGameCube

The Planet unveils its secret weapon. The competition has yet to recover.

Hey folks, Billy asked me to introduce myself to everyone. I'm Jonathan Metts, also known as "Jonnyboy117" at various chat rooms and message boards, and I'm the newest addition to our happy little big Planet N2000 staff. My official job title is Staff Writer, which means I'll probably be doing a little of everything...


Swinging to GameCube GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 5:09 am EDT
Source: IGNcube

German publisher swing is bringing Knights, Creatures, The Land Before Time, Tiny Toons and Animaniacs to the GameCube.

German publisher Swing! Entertainment Media AG have bought the rights to two furthar games that will make an appearance on Gamecube apart from several other titles. The first, Knights is a 3D action/adventure title that will also appear on other platforms. Creatures, the next title, is a pet simulator... Read more...

September 12, 2000

Cube interview With Merrick and Co GC

by Max Lake - 7:47 pm EDT
Source: IGNcube

Part one of an IGNcube interview with NOA's Jim Merrick and Perrin Kaplan (two very important people).

IGNCube has just posted the first part of an interview with Nintendo PR "Jedis" (as the IGN boyz "affectionately" call 'em) about Space World, Game Cube and games. The duo are obnoxious and silent as ever but help clarify a few things, including that the GC will have oh, somewhere between 10-15 launch... Read more...

What games ya want on GC? GC

by Max Lake - 4:54 pm EDT
Source: GameSpot

The GameSpot editors have each spoken on what games they'd like to see on the GameCube. Readers put their two cents in via a poll.

The folks at Gamespot have whipped up an extensive article for their question of the week: "What games do you want to see on Game Cube?" Each editor answers, with some interesting responses! Kid Icarus & Star Tropics are mentioned and there's even a poll which includes both those games an others. (I'm voting Kid Icarus!) Worth looking at.


Two Cytek games GC bound GC

by Max Lake - 4:38 pm EDT
Source: GameSpot

German developer Cytek plans to bring Egalius and X-Isle to all next-gen consoles including the GameCube. Both titles are first person shooters of some sort.

Gamespot recently reported that German developers Cytek have two new games called Egalius and X-Isle that are planned for PS2, DC, X-Box and you guessed it, Gamecube. Egalius is a first-person action/shooter game aimed at the "moderate gamer" with various game play modes. It features the struggles... Read more...

Disney does GameCube GC

by Ed Shih - 6:36 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

Ubi Soft to publish Disney titles on the GameCube. Titles include Donald Duck's Quack Attack and Dinosaur.

FGN Online has gotten word that a couple of Disney titles, published by Ubi Soft, will be heading towards Gamecube, possibly in time for launch. Check out the related link to see for yourself. Now it's certainly nice to have as many third party games as possible for Gamecube, these two Disney titles,... Read more...

September 11, 2000

FTC Report

by Max Lake - 3:33 pm EDT
Source: FederalTradeCommision.com

According to an official FTC report, the entertainment industry (including games) is actively marketing mature material to the underage audience.

Hot on the heels of the recent story of K-Mart IDing consumers trying to buy mature games comes another indication that the Video Game Industry is heading for more scrutiny. Today, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed this report which encompasses findings that the Entertainment Industry almost... Read more...

Talkin' with Team GBA GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:48 am EDT
Source: Gamers.com

In an interview, the creative team behind the GBA talk about everything from batteries to dev kits.

Nintendo Of Japan's interview with the entire team behind the GBA's creation appeared on their official site. The interview is of course in Japanese but luckily the great people at Gamers.com translated the entire interview for you reading pleasure. Below are some of the best excerpts.

On size and battery placement


It's in the name GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:33 am EDT
Source: N-Sider

Yuji Naka (Sonic Team) talks about how one possible name for the Dreamcast that should sound very familiar to Nintendo fans.

Yuji Naka, famed Sega designer behind the Sonic and Nights games recently made some interesting comments on the Sonic Team webpage. Translated By N-Sider.com here's what he had to say:

"It was at that instant that the name "Gamecube" was revealed, but the moment I heard it I thought "Huh? I think... Read more...

September 10, 2000

Gamecube Schmoozin' GC

by Billy Berghammer - 1:43 am EDT
Source: Game Center

A killer article on GameCube development costs with quotes from Peter Main and the master, Shigeru Miyamoto himself.

Some interesting notes on developing for Gamecube. It should be a lot cheaper for developers to make games on the Gamecube. Hopefully Nintendo will realize that they should re-think their wallet scheme, and get as many developers on the bandwagon as they can. CNET did a great piece on Development... Read more...

September 9, 2000

A Silent Movie

by Kosta Andreadis - 10:19 pm EDT
Source: Nintendo Web

Silent Hill movies for the Gameboy Advance.

Want to see first hand how the interactive-storybook that is Silent Hill for the Game Boy Advance looks like in motion? Well head on over to NintendoWeb and check out the very first online movies of the game. The FMV in this title looks absolutely georgeous and will certainly re-kindle some peoples interest in the title. You know the drill, watch, return and discuss.


Everything, Everything GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 10:05 pm EDT
Source: CVG report

Capcom confirms that ALL of its major franchises will appear on the GameCube.

When CVG asked a Capcom rep if any of their other popular game licenses such as Street fighter would make their way onto Gamecube he responded, "You can expect all major Capcom franchises to appear on Gamecube..... I can't confirm the actual projects, but we certainly knew Resident Evil 0 would be... Read more...

Ultimate Games Machine! GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 3:12 am EDT
Source: EETimes

Genyo Takeda comments on the GameCube's design and purpose in in an interview/report.

The Gamecube, since its inception, has always been geared towards being the most "developer friendly" console around as well as being the best for games. Its quite a bold move on Nintendo's part and in what can only be described as a MUST READ, EETimes have a great new expose on the Gamecube's design... Read more...

Size Doesn't Matter GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 2:41 am EDT
Source: Nintendo.com

I nice comparison shot of the GameCube next to the N64 from Nintendo's official website.

We all know that the Gamecube will turn out ot be a very small (in terms of size) console, but really how small is it? Well short of actually holding one in your hands (no offence), Nintendo have done the next best thing. On their lovable homepage they revealed some new pics that try to give us a picture of the system and controller's actual size.


Networking Nintendo GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 2:24 am EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Nintendo begins recruiting help to setup an online service in Japan.

In the homeland (ie Japan) Nintendo has begun recruiting network administrators to help design, set-up and maintain an online service. The service is said to be compatible with 'multiple devices' which indicates Gamecube and Game boy Advance as the primary suspects. Those lucky people who get the jobs will straight out of Nintendo's headquarters in Kyoto. Nice work if you can get it.


September 8, 2000

Megaman for GBA Launch! GBA

by Max Lake - 6:11 pm EDT
Source: Magic Box

Rockman EXE anounced as a Japanese launch title for the Gameboy Advance.

Billy's busy with dinner but pointed out this nugget of joy. It seems when it rains good Capcom news, it pours. Along with the recent confirmation that Resident Evil: Zero has indeed moved from N64 to GC, we have word from Magic Box that Rockman EXE (known to us Westerners as Megaman EXE will be a... Read more...

Da Rumor Mill Resumes! GC

by Max Lake - 9:27 am EDT
Source: TendoBox

Rumors abound. Will Mario cubed be a two disk game featuring a second "Luigi" disk? Will Mario Party 4 be at the GC launch?

With Space World come and gone & much speculation replaced with facts, the rumor mill is ready to spin again. Hey, all of that new info = many new cans o' worms for us media-types to crack open.

Our friends at Tendo Box rencently posted interesting rumors about some of the things we may & may... Read more...

September 7, 2000

Capcom, GameCube and RE:0 GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:25 pm EDT
Source: GameSpot

Capcom confirms RE:0 for GameCube and Kosta speculates that the game will likely be a launch title.

It looks like we didn't have to wait for the Tokyo Game Show after all to find out that Capcom have indeed moved development of Resident Evil: Zero from Nintendo 64 to Gamecube. With the game speculated to have switched formats as early as last October, the basic design and structure has been completed.... Read more...

Carding for games? Uh oh

by Ty Shughart - 9:03 pm EDT
Source: Kmart dot com

Kmart execs show off new policy requiring employees to "card" youths attempting to buy "violent video and computer games".

Whoa, watch out:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Executives of retail giant Kmart are expected to announce Thursday a new policy requiring proof of age for the purchase of violent video and computer games.

Kmart officials are to lay out their new policy at a Capitol Hill press conference, accompanied... Read more...

Luke, Indiana and GBA GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 7:39 am EDT
Source: GameSpot

THQ scores the right to make four LucasArts games for the Gameboy Advance.

In an new deal between companies THQ and LucasArts, THQ now have the rights to develop and publish four titles for the Game Boy Advance based on characters created by LucasArts. Star Wars and Indiana Jones are the two most prominant LucasArts franchises that come to mind, and it's almost certain that... Read more...


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