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August 31, 1999


by Billy Berghammer - 8:34 pm EDT

Billy gets excited about the DC.

Sega Dreamcast will be sold earlier than on 9.9.99. My guess is Monday or Tuesday stores will break the date. Probably not too big of a thrill for all of you, but that's my prediction. I wonder what the Vegas odds are of this. :)


Dolphin to be 256 bit? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 7:52 pm EDT
Source: Newsweek

256 bits?! Boy, I'm stuffed!

Yes, I rubbed my eyes as well when I say the link over at Nintendorks. Holy SHIT! If this is real, it will be absolutely unbelievable. Newsweek has a tasty article called Who's got game? Uh, I'd say Nintendo will. Here's a clip of what will eventually pitch tents worldwide.

Nintendo is...

The New Staff!

by Billy Berghammer - 12:43 am EDT

This pretty much explains itself.

I'd personally like to thank all who had applied for a position here at Planet N2000. It was a long and rigorous process, but I have finally picked a team to take this site into the new millennium. Head over to the About us section to see the new Staff! There maybe a few changes in the next couple of weeks, so I hope you like them!


August 28, 1999

Gamespot's words GC

by Billy Berghammer - 11:45 pm EDT
Source: Gamespot

Gamespot has an interview with the great Shigeru. Come check it out!

After reading Nintendojo's regurge of Gamespot, I felt their entire article deserved a show. Here it is.

Q: What projects are you currently working on?

A: That's not a very easy question, actually. I want more and more younger people to work on the games now. I'm getting old now and even though... Read more...


by Billy Berghammer - 11:34 pm EDT
Source: Nintendojo

Nintendojo cooks up some fine Shiggy eatin' from Space World!

Finally something good out of SpaceWorld! Kidding. I would give my left nut to have been at SpaceWorld. Hell, I would just love to go to Japan :)! Anyhoo....so far, the best damn Space World news award definitely goes to the Dojo. Those boys just know how to do Nintendo justice ;). Here's a great Shigeru-quoted-dealie they put together with some nice juicy Dolphin tidbits.


August 27, 1999

Nintendo's Next Gen 32-Bit? GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 5:46 pm EDT
Source: GameFan

Nintendo will make 32-bit games! .....No, they're not developing for the Play Station....

The next generation Gameboy will be 32-bit. And you will be able to connect it to the Dolphin somehow. SWEET! Could we see the next handheld from Nintendo next summer? Kick ass! GameFan has the beef.

While Sega and Sony are using removable PDA's as memory, Nintendo has annouced that it will... Read more...

Spaced out

by Billy Berghammer - 5:15 pm EDT

Nintendo isn't a blabbermouth!

No Dolphin news at Space World? What a drag! I think it may be wise for Nintendo to hold off any major specs until Sony shows their cards first. That is all opinion. Anyhoo....for the best Space World info I would definitely head over to Nintendojo or Gaming Age. Excellent work on both sites!


August 25, 1999

We want a Dolphin!

by Billy Berghammer - 6:28 pm EDT
Source: Ziff-Davis

Yeah so do I. But it looks like "the people" want the Dolphin. One study I will have no problem...er...a....studying. Thanks to Nintendojo with the good word.

A study by Ziff-Davis has revealed several interesting statistics about videogames and Nintendo. "Video Gaming in America 1999" reveals, among other facts, that Mario is one powerful videogame character. "...The "Mario" character and game commands the highest knowledge and has the strongest purchase... Read more...

August 24, 1999

30 Million Polygons? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 9:20 pm EDT
Source: Dolphin Central

30 million polys a second... the possibilities are endless.

Could this info be true? Hmmmmm. Dolphin Central has the official scoop. Well it sounds tasty so I'll mull it around for a while. Well if it is true...we are talking some serious graphical whoop ass. We are talking ultra crispy graphics! Read on, and judge for yourself...

Yes we finally...

Technical Difficulties

by Billy Berghammer - 8:00 pm EDT

Formatting your C drive is always fun.

Almost had another Format C: issue. Not Fu$%ing good at all. And no, please don't think I was playing Pokemon Snap or, like I rented Blitz 2000 on Saturday. Yes, both of those two things did happen, but I had a little Office 2000 installation debacle. Very very bad. But fortunately the problem has been repaired. At least for the time being :)


Top 20 NES list.

by Billy Berghammer - 7:20 pm EDT

This should cover everything.

Here we go, for the last time! I think! Not that I have had a whole lot of time lately to deal with games (well okay maybe a little), but here is the final tally of the votes you all sent in. Thanks again all to have voted!!!

1. Super Mario Bros. 3

2. Metroid

3. The Legend of Zelda

4. Kid Icarus


August 19, 1999

Miyamoto to appear at ECTS

by Billy Berghammer - 8:27 pm EDT
Source: FGN

Can you smell what the big "N" is cooking? I think something big is going to happen soon. I just have a weird gut feeling. So when will it happen? Hmmm...not sure. But it will be nice to hear wha

Legendary Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto is to appear on the showfloor at ECTS. Hit the headline for details.

"We got the scoop," enthused a Nintendo spokesperson. "He'll be at the beck and call of the press and Nintendo Europe for the show, but he'll be on the showfloor from time to time as well."


August 18, 1999

No love from Enix? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:20 pm EDT
Source: Nintendojo

Slow news day today folks. But Nintendojo comes through with a story about a silent Enix. I do think a sequel to Act Raiser would be very commendable. Anyone agree?

Nintendo developer Enix, best known for their Dragon Quest games in Japan and famous in North America for Act Raiser, have announced that the company will firmly support Sony's PlayStation 2 . The company has increased PS2 development with six titles in the works, instead of the previously announced... Read more...

August 17, 1999

Uh..hello..My name is Billy and I'm an addict...

by Billy Berghammer - 9:25 pm EDT

Billy fesses up.

I think today is kind of Pokemon day for the Planet. It's true. I'm totally fu&*^ng addicted to this game (Snap). And now OperatioN2000 has a Dolphin Dream Game about the thought of the next generation. :) Not only that, but the Operation also has a good response to the AT&T-Sega deal that happened.


The sort of Official NES top 10 List

by Billy Berghammer - 9:21 pm EDT

Time to compile the top 20 now.

Finally eh? Yah yah. I said sort of because I am listing the "sort of" list. This is the tally of what people have sent me so far. Anything missing? Maybe I'll make it a top 20? What do you think? Well Here's the list so far....

The Planet N2000 NES Most Wanted List...Sort of

1. Super Mario Bros. 3


Pikachu straight from HELL

by Billy Berghammer - 7:25 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

Billy comes to understand exactly why Pokémon are so addicting.

I am not suprised at all. I can't beleive I am hooked on these little bastards! I absolutely am addicted to Pokemon Snap. I couldn't understand why, until now. Read on! Thanks to Fastest Game News.

Madcap minister Mark Juvera, full of holy vitriol and smoldering with the righteous fires... Read more...

August 16, 1999

Blue light Special

by Billy Berghammer - 6:56 pm EDT
Source: FGN

Systems on sale... Yay...

Sony was first off the block this morning, announcing the 25 percent price-cut in the early hours. Nintendo followed suit later on in the day with news of the cheaper N64.

In addition to the price-cuts, Sony is to add several new titles - A Bug's Life, Crash Bandicoot: WARPED, Gran Turismo, Spyro... Read more...

August 14, 1999

Old School Birthday!

by Billy Berghammer - 8:57 pm EDT

Billy gets his first NES??!!

One thing I failed (or didn't get a chance too) mention was that I just had my 27th Birthday on July 27th! Yeah. I know you are just thrilled. :) But it was a turning point in my life. I got probably the best gift I could have ever gotten. I got one of these.

I was absolutely thrilled!...

August 13, 1999

Art-X will show their goods

by Billy Berghammer - 11:54 pm EDT
Source: Next Generation

An early one! I had a late night with Pokemon Snap, what can I say? Anyhoo, Next Generation says that we'll see what Art-X has been up to on October 6th. Read on my friends!

On October 6th at the San Jose Fairmont Hotel, ArtX, the computer graphics startup designing the Dolphin graphics hardware, will reveal a PC version of its much-vaunted graphic chip. The ArtX1 is actually a low cost graphics solution for low cost PCs. The actual Dolphin will presumably remain under... Read more...


by Billy Berghammer - 4:00 pm EDT

The Planet is back!

Thanks for all the e-mail welcoming the Planet's return. I'd also like to thank OperatioN2000 for the plug as well. They have updated their mailbag, which I added some of my own answers as well (yes, I also work there too). Outside of that, thanks for the feedback!! Make sure you scroll down make sure you didn't miss anything from yesterday. It's really good to be back. :)



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