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July 16, 1999

Naboo Code is here!

by Billy Berghammer - 9:49 pm EDT


Well if you need it....here it is. Fly this bad boy...for the first time! May the force whoop ass!

To access the sleek fighter, type in HALIFAX? as your Passcode, select Enter Code, then type in !YNGWIE!. Select Enter Code again, and you'll have full access to the Naboo Starfighter. If for some strange reason you'd like to disable this code, type in HALIFAX? then enter in any word you'd like as your second Passcode.


Titus Developing

by Billy Berghammer - 9:45 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online


Thanks to FGN for the good words. Are they goods words? Oooh...Superman 2000? Yea.

Titus is developing games for Nintendo Dolphin, PlayStation 2 and Dreamcast according to the publisher’s website. The revelation appears on the page describing Titus’ background and future plans, saying,... Read more...

July 14, 1999

Zelda:Gaiden in Space!

by Billy Berghammer - 9:40 pm EDT
Source: Magic Box

The linkinator.

We will see a preview soon. Ahhhhh...Zelda fans everywhere are happy! Space world is going to be very big this year. If anyone wants to road trip let me know. (kidding) But of course, the big question is, will this be when Nintendo will unveil more about the Next Generation Nintendo console? This is what Magic Box has to say:


Square is eyeing the N2000 again

by Billy Berghammer - 9:37 pm EDT
Source: IGN64

Mommy, stop them!

The saga continues. IGN64 has the biz.

At a press event held in Tokyo, Japan today, Square figureheads met members of the media and commented on games, the industry and -- somewhat surprisingly -- Nintendo's next-generation console. Company president Tomoyuki Takechi began his press address... Read more...

Matsushita Selling B I G

by Billy Berghammer - 9:32 pm EDT
Source: Nintendojo

Insider tips!

Nintendojo has the word on Matsushita's stocks selling like hotcakes. Check it:

Shares of Matsushita, maker of the Panasonic, National, Technics and Quasar brands soared as much as 400 yen to a 12-month high of 2,820 and closed the morning session at 2,800 yen, a gain of 380.

Morgan Stanley...

Naboo Code for RS?

by Billy Berghammer - 9:10 pm EDT
Source: Nintendojo


Okay so it isn't Dolphin related, but this is freakin' amazing! Friday is going to ROCK if you are a Star Wars fan who happens to own Rogue Squadron for N64 or PC for that matter. Thanks Nintendojo.

Nintendo and LucasArts has announced a unique opportunity to gamers, available Friday, July... Read more...

Ultra Metroid

by Billy Berghammer - 8:57 pm EDT
Source: OPN2000

WE all WANT that GAME.

Just thinking Metroid can make some people salivate. Myself included :) Rick from OperatioN2000 has added Ultra Metroid to the "Dream Games" section. Damn this game (if and when it happens) would be S W E E T to say the least!

Not only that folks, but the mailbag has been updated, but they picked a winner for the design a console contest, as well as introduced a new contest...Which should Nintendo Develop First?



by Billy Berghammer - 1:30 pm EDT

To everyone!

I just wanted to thank everybody out there who has helped this site get to the level it has. Over the weekend this site broke 20K and I was very impressed. Not to say other sites out there aren't kicking my little ass around, but I was happy! My rankings over at Hitbox went from 450-ish to 219 over... Read more...

July 9, 1999

Don't Call Me Dolphin GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:48 pm EDT
Source: Magic Box

So I guess a tuna joke wouldn't be wise about now.... huh?

Nintendo has officially dropped the "Dolphin" name. Well that was pretty quick! Magic Box has the official word. Nintendo got real creative.

Nintendo has dropped the name "Dolphin" for their next console system, now they will be referring the new system to the "Next Generation Nintendo" system.



by Billy Berghammer - 7:35 pm EDT


Very nice to have a full update. And this one is quite a dooz if you ask me. Back in Minneapolis unpacking. I took a large break today and sunk my ass back into the net. If I miss anything here please let me know. Anyhoo, it's good to be back for a while. Now if I could only hook my damn N64 up. I think I know what I am going to do for the rest of the evening :)


The Mario Anthology

by Billy Berghammer - 7:14 pm EDT
Source: OPN2000

More Mario for your jumping pleasure!

OperatioN2000 has opened up a new section called Dream Games. I think you can figure it out. The first game they chose is Mario Anthology. I personally endorse the making of this game. Not that that really means anything :)

Not only that but OperatioN2000 has a new developer profile on Electronic Arts (it's in the game), and the Mailbag is also lemon fresh.


MagicBox and Dojo say 99$??

by Billy Berghammer - 7:03 pm EDT
Source: MagicBox, Nintendojo

Dolphin = 99$ = iNsAnItY

I could handle that. Personally I feel the system will still retail for about $200, but for $99 I would be thrilled. Here's what Nintendojo had to say.

"We are committed to bringing out the very best videogame-playing device at a very, very aggressive price point," said Howard Lincoln in the... Read more...

Namco Says No?

by Billy Berghammer - 6:56 pm EDT
Source: IGN64

No Tekken or SC?

NO way! IGN64 relayed a story from MSNBC about Namco and the Next Generation systems.

A story from MSNBC.com suggests that Nintendo's next generation console may not get game development support from Namco, one of the world's largest producers of interactive entertainment. Namco president,... Read more...

No Flicks or Tunes

by Billy Berghammer - 6:51 pm EDT
Source: IGN64

No DVD playback..? WTF?

I am not sure if I like this move at all. But whatever, this report popped up on IGN64. No CD music or DVD movie playback with the Dolphin.

According to an interview conducted with Nintendo of America Howard Lincoln by Next-Generation Magazine, the company's next-generation console will not... Read more...

Acclaim to Make Dolphin Magic

by Billy Berghammer - 6:31 pm EDT
Source: Gamespot

Good news...... Well maybe.

Another goodie from Gamespot! Acclaim will support the Dolphin!

In a financial statement released by Acclaim on Thursday, the company revealed plans to support both the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo Dolphin platforms when they launch in the US. Acclaim's major brands like South Park and Turok may end up landing on these future high-powered systems on the day they launch.


Yutaka Still The Man

by Billy Berghammer - 6:23 pm EDT
Source: Gamespot

-Insert witty abstract here-

Unfortunately one of the people absent from the N64HQ Reunion Tour was Yutaka Ohbuchi. His news from Japan was always the best on the N64HQ. He has currently resided at Videogames.com - Gamespot. He has just posted a little story on Gamespot about the rumor of Mario 64 2 to appear on the Dolphin.


The N64HQ Reunion Tour 1999

by Billy Berghammer - 2:07 am EDT

Join in the festivities!


That's right babeee! It's all done! I've been getting it all ready for the past day or two. Sorry for the delay, but it's now ready for your reading pleasure. Check it HERE! Special thanks to all the good folks from the N64HQ for making this possible! Enough babbling...enjoy!


July 5, 1999

Spin's gots the Goods?

by Billy Berghammer - 7:59 pm EDT

Ugly. Both. So. Ugly.

Figures, when I am busy I find something really cool on the Dolphin. I am at work flipping through the latest Spin Magazine (August 1999 with Limp Bizkit on the cover), and low and behold, an Article titled "The Great Leap Forward". It's basically an article all about the next generation consoles... Read more...

Welcome to the Twin Cities

by Billy Berghammer - 7:11 pm EDT

Finally done moving.

Aaahhhh...to be online again. Very cool! Had to temporarily set up a free AOL account until my cable modem dealie gets set up. That's going to be the cat's ass. If anyone who lives here uses it, let me know how it is. As far as updates are concerned I should be back up and running by the end of... Read more...


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