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May 30, 2000

Words from Shigeru

by Billy Berghammer - 7:59 pm EDT
Source: CNET's Gamecenter

An in-depth Miyamoto inverview talking about the 64DD, Mario and maracas... Hey, what about Dolphin? Check out this goodness.

All bow down to the almighty Shiggy! The man had a little chat with CNET at E3 about all kinds of interesting topics. Shigeru does his typical Dolphin-Question-Dodge-Two-Step like no other...but he does offer some interesting views of Nintendo's up and coming powerhouses. 64DD Talk, Mario 64 II, How powerful the Next Gen will be, and how Shigeru gets excited about Maracas! It's all here kids! Check out these Dolphin chunks...


More N-MS BS?

by Billy Berghammer - 5:20 pm EDT

Microsoft / Nintendo rumors continue to float around. Should we really be expected to believe any of this?

Would you purchase a Microsoft/Nintendo gaming system? From the rumor mill, still more talks are happening between Microsoft and Nintendo. As PlanetN2000 reported before, Microsoft has been seriously courting Nintendo. Could the X-Box become vaporware? From anonymous sources, There are talks about... Read more...

May 26, 2000

Dolphin Delay: 2001 GC

by Billy Berghammer - 5:47 am EDT

Despite what Nintendo has said, it looks like Dolphin won't be released anywhere until 2001. More inside...

That little yellow bastard will save us! Here's that big announcement you...uh...wanted to hear. Um, is this it? Didn't we pretty much know all of this already? Booooo! Nintendo still says Dolphin will launch in Japan this year. (Then people in the press conference suddenly started coughing, "BullS$%t!!"...in... Read more...

Nintendo's Earnings

by Billy Berghammer - 5:38 am EDT

Nintendo seem to be slipping but it's not our fault -we swear!

Nintendo losing money? It's the yen's fault dammit! Not ours!

TOKYO, May 26 (Reuters) - The following is summary of the earnings report issued on Friday by Japanese home video game machine and software maker Nintendo Co Ltd .

Nintendo said its group net profit for the business year to March,... Read more...

May 25, 2000

Dolphin Fishin'?

by Billy Berghammer - 10:02 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

Sounds like Natsume could be reeling in some Dolphin plans...

Natsume is thinking about porting its PS2 fishing title to Dolphin. Fishing on Dolphin? Funny ha ha? Mmmm...maybe not.

The latest in Natsume's proprietary franchise Reel Fishing III is currently in development for Sony's next-gen console. FGN Online hooked up with Maekawa to catch Natsume's next-gen plans.


May 24, 2000

Phoning Home

by Kosta Andreadis - 3:21 am EDT
Source: MCV

Believe it or not, an E.T. video game is in development and will be coming to NGC.

We reported a little while ago about NewKidCo's plans to create games for next generation consoles, including the Dolphin. Well after learning that Steven something or rather was working on a E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial special edition with Industrial Light and Magic, planned for theatrical release,... Read more...

Will Dolphin Surface?

by Kosta Andreadis - 3:04 am EDT
Source: IGN64

Is Nintendo ready to release the launch date of Dolphin to the world?

Well once again speculation is running high as to exactly when Nintendo will reveal more information on the Dolphin and GBA. The upcoming Spaceworld show in Japan is a certain, but that's still a long ways to go, August to be exact. Yet various publications in Japan are reporting that later this week... Read more...

May 23, 2000

E3 Experience

by Jaymin Reed - 7:13 pm EDT

Enjoy some of Jaymin's E3 impressions to see what he had about the exciting show!

(I have been alotted 20 minutes to summarize my E3 experience, so bear with me :) Also, I am in the process of converting and uploading much, much video to Planetn2K, video that will reflect everything I saw at the E3.)

Well, I suppose the best way to surmise my E3 experience would be to say... Read more...

Metroid Confirmed? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 12:47 pm EDT
Source: MCV

Sounds like Metroid is definitely in the works. About time!

I think you can almost bank on Metroid hitting at least one of the two next-gen Nintendo systems. It is talked about though here! There's a lot more than just that here. MCV talked to NOA's VP of Marketing George Harrison about why Dolphin or GBA was not revealed at E3 this year. Nintendo looking... Read more...

Acclaim racing Ferrari's

by Billy Berghammer - 8:40 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

Acclaim announces racing plans for Dolphin and PS2.

Looks like Acclaim will be racing Magnum PI style on the Dolphin. Acclaim CEO, Rod Cousens says Ferrari 360 Challenge, and it's sequel F1 will hit the Dolphin and PS2. Here's the quick snippet...

Acclaim CEO, Rod Cousens, has acquired the prestigious Ferrari licence, and has expressed his enthusiasm for properties other than the intended PlayStation 2.


May 22, 2000

Ubi Soft/Disney Titles! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 11:10 am EDT

Dinosaur! and Jungle Book Rythem and Groove...

Ubi Soft was rather tight lipped at E3 this year. Yet, there were two game titles that slipped though their clutches. Both of these are Disney based titles. One we knew about, and could the other one be Dolphin's first Dance Dance game? Hmmmmmm. After also talking to Disney, it looks like they want to bring many titles to Nintendo's next console.


May 21, 2000

Ed Day 3, E3

by Ed Shih - 8:30 pm EDT

I am Ed, and here is my Day three report! More about Silicon Knights, PC's running PS2 games, Digicents and more. Read it!

Day 3 (Saturday)

My last day of E3 came and went a lot quicker than I wanted. This was the day to take in everything that E3 had to offer; though I wanted to spend a lot of that time at the Nintendo booth. After a slight delay from traffic and parking (apparently there was another event in the... Read more...

May 18, 2000

Left Field Talks Dolphin

by Billy Berghammer - 9:46 pm EDT
Source: IGN64

After making two NBA Courtside games & the spectacular Excitebike 64, what could Left Field be doing next? IGN64 asks.

After the brilliant response to their Excitebike 64 game, exclusive second-party developers Left Field Studios recently sat down with unknown video game journalist Matt Cassamassina and disussed their past, future, and overall relationship with Nintendo. Interestingly both Left Field and newly announced second party developer Silicon Knights both believe that Nintendo will have no trouble in competing with or topping Sony's super console.


Ridge Racer V GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:29 pm EDT
Source: IGN64

Moving from rumors to reality, a port Ridge Racer V seems sure to be headed for Dolphin.

After various rumours floating around as to whether this title was in the works for the Dolphin console, IGN64 are convinced that a port of the Playstation 2 game is bound for Dolphin release. Speculation is that Namco are using the game as a testing ground for Dolphin development, even thoguh the... Read more...

May 16, 2000

E3: Ed Part #1

by Ed Shih - 1:29 am EDT

Here what the Omniscient Ed has to say. Listen and heed his wisdom, my children.

Well, the biggest industry event of the year is over and even though I lost a full day, it was a blast. My apologies for not writing while I was actually there, but I never did adjust to West Coast time and was pretty brain dead after each day; definitely not in much shape to write anything coherent.... Read more...

Silicon Knights: On Dolphin GC

by Billy Berghammer - 1:20 am EDT

We are elite. We speak with the Knights in Cyber Armour!

During the last Day of E3, I met with Denis Dyack, President of Silicon Knights and James O'Reilly Director of Technology about the news of Dolphin development. We grabbed some floor outside West Hall, and sat down (which is quite relieving at E3) and had a little chat about their company, and there new deal with Nintendo for Dolphin love.


May 15, 2000

Billy goes buh bye!

by Billy Berghammer - 8:47 am EDT

We came, we saw, we KICKED ASS!!

Yeap! Saw the town with my cuz' yesterday, and now I'm just about to yank the C64 outta the wall, hop a plane and get back the real world. Boo! I can't believe it's all done. Man that blew by real fast.

It ain't over yet sweet cheeks! We got a whole buttload of things to upload, so you just sit... Read more...

May 14, 2000

We're on a Mission from God

by Billy Berghammer - 10:24 am EDT

A massive update regarding the final day of E3.

It was the last day of E3, and I was planning on packing a multitude of things into our final moments of the big show. The final day of E3 is the shortest so we all knew we had to keep moving pretty quickly if we wanted to get everything in. I had a couple of appointments, and I wanted to talk to... Read more...

Steve's E3 Day 3 Diary

by Steven Thomas - 1:16 am EDT

The man, the myth, the legend.

Today I spent most of the day in the South Hall at the Convention Center talking to various developers and publishers to see if we could see any glimmers of Dolphin support. Billy has a huge update coming in the next day or two about all that, so I am not allowed to talk about it in detail now. But, let me tell you this: It is there.


May 13, 2000

E3: Day Three

by Billy Berghammer - 1:08 am EDT

The grueling saga continues...

I coughed up something rather nasty this morning. Too many damn Mplayer pretzels. Wait, that's lunch for most of us. Well it's the final day of this years E3. Sorry no full recap of yesterdays events. Let's just say I was running around all over that place all day.

Today we have a couple more...


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