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May 12, 2000

Saffire Part 2

by Billy Berghammer - 1:06 am EDT

Check it out yo!

PlanetN2000 had an exclusive interview with Dave Rushton, one of the main programmers from Saffire today just outside of E3. We have almost 30 minutes of audio that we will be uploading next week for your listening pleasure. And let me say Dolphin/GBA fans...this is something you don't want to miss.


Lots o' Lego

by Billy Berghammer - 1:03 am EDT


Oh yeah, more Dolphin goodness. According to Lego Media producer Darren Potter, they have plans to make 3 games for Dolphin in 2001. Think that's good news? How about tacking on four games for GBA too!

I didn't think this was that big of a deal, but I took a look around their booth and they had... Read more...

Nyko and Interact full on! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 12:55 am EDT

3rd party accessories galore!

I have spoken with some representatives of both Nyko and Interact about accessories for Dolphin and GBA. Both companies are planning on backing the Dolphin and GBA with a full line of accesories.

Both Nyko and Interact were not allowed to go into any major details, but would basically state that... Read more...

Show thoughts & gibberish

by Ty Shughart - 12:39 am EDT

Ty and his many, random thoughts.

That's one day down; here's a summary of my day. Sort of.

I hung out at the Mplayer booth awhile - they seem to be generous with the free goodies. I stuck around to watch Romero and Stevie Case fight it out with some other folks. (I scored a tshirt and plenty of pictures - gotta develop 'em. Dig that Q3 motorcycle.)


Brew-Ha, and GBA stuff!

by Billy Berghammer - 12:26 am EDT

More E3 offerings.

We played long and hard at E3. Wow. Did I mention we met Joanna Dark? Droool. Oh, how I love thee. Forget the booth babes...she's about it. :) Pics coming later on! I am totally wiped and this is only Day 1. Hehehehe. I will kick E3's ass! The Conker party was very cool. Ken Lobb demonstrated the... Read more...

Dolphin news at E3? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 12:23 am EDT
Source: http://www.midway.com/

Midway on Dolphin? Are you sure that's really worth it?

Yes, actually I think this is pretty damn good news. I happened to run into Mark Turmell, Game Designer for Midway. Midway has Dolphin development kits and are planning on bringing some of their famous franchises to the Dolphin, as well as some new ones. Here are the games we know so far that will be coming from Midway onto our new console:


May 11, 2000

We are on the Show Floor!

by Billy Berghammer - 12:21 am EDT

We rule E3!

Un-freaking-believable! Wow, that's all I have to say. I thought I would be overwhelmed. I had absolutely no clue what-so-ever. So what am I impressed with so far on the Nintendo end? Totally first impressions...

- Mario Tennis : Tight as HELL. If you were a fan of the SNES version you are going to love this.


Late night thoughts...

by Billy Berghammer - 12:15 am EDT

Sleepy... you are getting sleeeeeepy.

I do not need sleep. The word is not in my vocabulary. Heh. E3 will not kick my ass...I will kick its! I was hoping the updates would go a lot smoother, but then again...we are virgins here. We are just preparing for next year. Hell I am just glad we are out here. Very very strange this all is. It's... Read more...

May 10, 2000

Rare's Experience

by Billy Berghammer - 11:56 pm EDT

Rock on Rare.

So, as you read before, we got into Rare's small press briefing. It was an invite only event, yet we still managed to get in just fine. When in doubt, smile, nod, and act like you are suppose to be there. heheh.

Unfortunately there wasn't a whole lot shown or told that you did not know already.... Read more...

Billy's added thoughts...

by Billy Berghammer - 11:51 pm EDT


Wow...Steven pimps Fran's Question but not mine. Then again my question to Main and Arakawa didn't get quite the effect or response that I wanted to hear. Boooo. I asked what plans Nintendo had in the future for online gaming. Of course the Nintendo we-ain't-gonna-talk dance was still in effect at... Read more...

May 9, 2000

Nintendo Press Conference

by Steven Thomas - 11:48 pm EDT

Long. Very long.

What a day! Forget about whatever else you are (or are not) reading about E3 so far. Today was a day that any one of you would have just been thrilled over, especially if you are like us, who had never been to E3 before.

We arrived about an hour before the Press Briefing was to take place. The... Read more...

Rare is Sneaky...

by Billy Berghammer - 11:46 pm EDT

Damn them!

We heard about another invite only Rare press viewing of Banjo-Tooie, and Zelda : Majora's Mask. The only catch to this was your name was supposed to be on a list to get in. Well we ended up getting in any way (stealth tactics rule), and that is why the audio will be up a bit later. We will have more to update with now. Can't pass up an opportunity to hear Shigeru talk some more. :) Grab a dew and stay up with us!


The Diary begins...

by Billy Berghammer - 11:30 pm EDT

Big read. BIG READ.

Billy’s E3 Diary

Day 1

Tuesday, May 09, 2000

9:15am CST / 7:15am PST

E3 is now powered by Mountain Dew.

Well, seeing is I got about 3 hours of sleep last night, my day technically started at midnight. My alarm went off at 4:45am CST (2:25am PST), and I groggily stumbled to the fridge,... Read more...

May 8, 2000

WB Interactive's E3 Line-up GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 11:26 pm EDT
Source: MCV


Well not going to E3 leaves me with the responsibility of reporting news from "outside" the show, with Billy and Co. basking in all the glory that is E3. Sure he thinks he can lock me up here to post the news that they may not see but I'll get my revenge, and he knows it. I'm only kidding of course,... Read more...

Doing it for the kids GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 11:23 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

Don't think of the Children. If you do, I'll have to hurt you. Badly.

Boasting to be "finalizing a major new license, based on one of the most popular children's properties, to produce video games for multiple platforms including the 'next generation' 128-bit systems recently announced by Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft" publisher NewKidCo will unveil its 2000 line-up... Read more...

Capcom and Onimusha? GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 11:18 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

We want the Daemon Killer!

Upcoming Capcom RPG, Onimusha may see the light of day on Dolphin. In an interview with EGM, designer Keiji Inafune commented on the possibilty of the game Onimusha: Warlords coming to next generation consoles. "There is a possibility for Dolphin or X-Box." With third party support already looking to be huge for Nintendo's next console, Jaspanese developer Capcom could play an integral part in the console's success in its homeland.


LA here we come!

by Billy Berghammer - 11:17 pm EDT
Source: http://www.e3expo.com/

E3 is where all things are created and destroyed.

Well I'm just gathering up a few things, saying good bye to Louie for a week [Louie - "Yeah, F#$% you too! I'm crapping in your bed!"], and waiting for the Cab that's taking me to the airport. Yep, Peer and Matt have sent the IGN jet to pick me up! Not a bad deal, eh? Kidding. It's more like the flying... Read more...

May 6, 2000

The GBA Hands on?

by Billy Berghammer - 11:13 pm EDT
Source: IGN Pocket

Rock. Total and complete ROCK.

This is something we'd really like to see at E3! Thanks to Markioke for the tip. Looks like the folks at IGN pocket got a super secret hands on test of the GBA. Well at least a development version. From the looks of that they had to say about their first impressions, this little bad boy is going to rock. Here's a rather large clip.


May 3, 2000

Nintendo Adds 2nd Party

by Steven Thomas - 11:07 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

Yes, that Silicon Knights.

It looks like the popular Legacy of Kain series that received such high reviews from the Playstation crowd, will now in the future be Nintendo-exclusive.

According to FGNOnline (who rocks, because the pimped our site yesterday), "Nintendo has seized a strategic equity investment in Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain developer, Silicon Knights. The partnership makes the developer a long-term, exclusive Nintendo developer."


May 1, 2000

Don't call me Shirley!

by Billy Berghammer - 11:03 pm EDT

Deg is da bitch of Trivia.

We have a new staff member on board. Please welcome Jeff Shirley to the Planet Staff. He's much better known as Deguello in chat, as well as a dominating force in Planet Trivia. So other people actually have a chance to win at Trivia, we decided to hire him as our new Trivia Biaaacch. I thought the... Read more...


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