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April 30, 2001

EA's E3 2001 GameCube Plans - Exclusive! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:15 pm EDT

So what will EA have playable at E3? How many titles? PGC offers you only one of the two answers to these questions so far...

Electronic Arts has informed Planet GameCube that they will only have one playable GameCube title this year at E3. They couldn't say specifically which title, but they did say that it would be coming from EA Sports.

So which is it? Well, what could EA have in the works for GC??

SSX: Special Edition - Rumored


Super Smash Brothers Returns!! GC

by Mike Sklens - 8:06 pm EDT
Source: IGN Cube

Will the blockbuster title be making a comeback? Check here to get the juice.

According to IGNcube, sources at Nintendo of America are saying that Super Smash Bros 2 will be at E3 in playable form. In addition, the game is supposedly farther along than we thought and could be a launch title. The first game was a huge success. Nothing is really known about SSB2 at this time. If you want the low-down on what we (I) hope will be in the game check out the Ultra Smash Bros: Online Frenzy dream game special.


Guilty Gear X coming to GBA? GBA

by Max Lake - 5:47 pm EDT
Source: Magic Box

Rumor has it that the underrated fighting game might be converted to handheld form...

A recent RUMOR from Magic Box states that Sammy / Arc System Works are planning to port their popular 2D weapon fighting game Guilty Gear X to both PlayStation 2 and GameBoy Advance. Supposedly, an officially announcement will be made within the next few weeks.

Guilty Gear X on Dreamcast has...

Pokemon Center GBA has arrived! GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 3:37 pm EDT

Billy's Special Edition Suikun Blue Pokemon Center GBA arrived! With a link cable! It's sparkly!

The buzzer rang about 2pm CST. Mr. Mailman wants to deliver some gifts to Planet GameCube? Sure! I'll sign for these! My Limited Edition Suikun Blue Pokemon Center GBA has finally arrived!

The Box containing the GBA goodies!

The Pokemon Center GBA Box: Front

Box Comparison Shot


Bloomberg Reports

by Michael Cole - 1:47 pm EDT
Source: Bloomberg!

Bloomberg reports on Nintendo's GBA and GCN situation in a fair manner.

Bloomberg's report, "Nintendo to Use New Game Boy to Fight Against Sony, Microsoft" is a very good read. Despite considering the GCN inferior due to lack of DVD capablilities, (apples and oranges, people) this statement is countered by many quotes from optimistic analysts! Maybe not all of the analysts have jumped to conclusions!


Camelot, Namco and Luigi, oh my!

by Michael Cole - 9:43 am EDT
Source: TWO WORDS!

Although mainly about the latest N64 game (Animal Forest), Tendo Box slips in a little info about GCN news.

The bulk of the story is about Animal Planet, which is apparently coming out in the US, but the end reveals some interesting information. Namco is busy with its GameCube love.... good sign for you fighting fans! Camelot is also working hard on the GameCube. Hopefully we'll see something from both companies at E3.


The Force is with the GameBoy Advance GBA

by Mike Sklens - 8:38 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

THQ is bringing Star Wars to the GBA.

THQ will be publishing Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles to the GameBoy Advance. This is THQ's first game under their multi-property publishing deal with LucasArts. SW:JPB is in development now by HotGen Studios. The game should be out this fall.

Simon Jeffery, president of LucasArts, had this to say.


More Steven Kent Pro-Nintendo Goodness

by Justin Nation - 3:07 am EDT
Source: New York Daily News

It seems that every Nintendo fan's best mainstream media friend has been spotted once more, spreading the love the Big N so desperately needs...

While it must be acknowledged that the Nintendo bashing articles that were seen so much about a month ago seem to have cooled here comes our boy Steven Kent again talking up the Big N in a mainstream publication.

To get a feel for this piece one has to look no farther than the opening paragraph:


April 29, 2001

Camelot is NOT Teasing us!

by Michael Cole - 1:45 pm EDT
Source: Camelot.co.jp

Despite the rumors, Camelot has confirmed that the "secret" page is nothing more than a fluke.

According to Camelot's latest web update, the secret "Coming Soon" page is nothing more than a vestigial page from the Mario Golf 64 unveiling. I guess we all just got our hopes up for nothing! D'oh!


April 28, 2001

The Golden Ticket

by Billy Berghammer - 11:40 pm EDT

Getting one of these suckers in the mail really gets you all fired up. PGC is about to take on E3. The badges are arriving!

Go out with some friends...it's Saturday you know. Do a little W00T W00T dancing an shiz with the ladies. You know...PGC style. Dragona...picture Ricky Martin. Word!

So I get home, open up my mail box....and just like a Rap video with helicopters or yachts...the gift from the heavens arrives...


April 27, 2001

Friday Old School Funny!!!

by Billy Berghammer - 2:16 pm EDT
Source: Resident Geek

If you're one of the older fellers here and had an Atari 2600...or have played it, you gotta see this.

As being one of the older folks here at Planet, I embrace the classics. Especially the Atari 2600. My first system. I'll take anyone in Pac-Man or Space Invaders. You gotta use the reset button multi fire cheat! I could play Donkey Kong for hours. A little switch from an N64 or a GBA for that matter.


Broken Sword to GBA GBA

by Jonathan Metts - 6:54 am EDT
Source: IGN Pocket

The best-selling point-and-click adventure is coming to Nintendo's handheld. Check out these graphics!

Thanks to the scoop by IGN Pocket, we now know that this gorgeous game is being ported to GBA. It will retain its pre-rendered backgrounds and animation-style sprites, and presumably the dialogue is still there in either text or voice, but not much else is known about the game just yet. We've gone... Read more...

April 26, 2001


by Billy Berghammer - 10:47 pm EDT
Source: Craig's Pocket

Tony Hawk GBA Video. If you thought the screen shots were nice...check the video. Fill them depends!

Check the video over at IGN. Words aren't enough. It doesn't matter if you have a 2400 baud modem. Download this video.


Kitty Porn: A Planet GameCube Inside Look

by Louie the Cat - 10:00 pm EDT
Source: The Corporation

Louie the Cat takes a look at the global problem of Feline Pornography. Plus exclusive help from Denis Dyack of Silicon Knights!

NO RUMAR! Itz REAL! Kitty PRON!!!!1 itz a big prablem on the word wide web. KITTEEZ ARE INVASDING YOUR COMPUTAR!!! mY StalKtjer Mikey Veroni (TEE BEE IS TOO WARDS!!) Gev ME LOUIE THE CAT da Big skoop on the KITTY PORNOS. BIG KITTY POOP SCOOOPZARS! Cat Pr0n! PPPPPPPPuuuuuuuuuuuRRRRRRRRRRR! Heers the love::


Wanna test drive a GBA? GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 7:20 pm EDT
Source: Gaming Age

Looks like GBA kiosks have arrived to US Toys R Us's. Time to be a Toys R Us kid...like right NOW! We want to know if you've seen one!

Your local Toys R Us could have a GBA or two all ready for you to play Mario Advance as you are reading this!

Collectively all 6 of Planet GameCube's readers have just blazed away on their razor scooters.

Another interesting thing this story mentioned was that Toys R Us isn't doing presales. Supposedly because of prior PS2 issues. Get ready to camp out at your local Toys R Us...that is, if you haven't pre-sold your GBA.


Golden Sun Delayed GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 5:21 pm EDT
Source: The Box full o' magic

Camelot's japanese release of Golden Sun is delayed a bit. Check the news about this highly promising RPG!

Originally to be launched in Japan this May, Camelot's GBA RPG Golden Sun will be released this July in Japan.

There's still no word if this title will be reaching our shores. Hopefully we'll find out more at E3.


Camelot is teasing us! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 4:44 pm EDT
Source: Camelot

Shining Force coming to a GameCube near you? Ahh...the suspense!

Head over to the above website, and you'll see this page...

Interesting enough alone. Max said it looks like a golf ball on a tee. But what I didn't understand was why it was next to the hole. I think it's something else.

But this is where it gets more interesting. If you check the source code to the page it looks like this...


Nintendo revamps GBA site GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 3:38 pm EDT
Source: Gameboy Advance.com

It's new, sparkly, and damn cool. Nintendo launches their new GBA site, and touts the new phrase that pays...

Experience life Advanced. Hell yeah brother! Nintendo has posted a slick new flash intro, and a sort of product teaser for GBA. Head over there to check out the new digs!


Prolific Publishing announces NGC game GC

by Max Lake - 3:23 pm EDT
Source: GameSpot

Prolific Publishing would like the world to now they're making a GameCube game. They won't tell you what it is however...

GameSpot has reported that Prolific Publishing was work underway on an all new, original game for the Nintendo GameCube. Based in Burbank, California, Prolific Publishing has disclosed that it has other games in development for the Microsoft X-Box and Sony PS2, though emphasize that the NGC project... Read more...

Metal Gear 2 on the Cube? RumorGC

by - 1:09 pm EDT

For whatever reason, we have a Metal Gear Solid 2 “preview” based on PS2 impressions and the rumor that MGS2 is coming to GameCube. Is it? We ask Louie the Cat

For whatever reason, we have a Metal Gear Solid 2 “preview” based on PS2 impressions and the rumor that MGS2 is coming to GameCube. Is it? We ask Louie the Cat.

Hideo Kojima’s latest and last Metal Gear game is the buzz of the industry. It is coming to Playstation 2, with a version... Read more...


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