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April 29, 1999

Added to the Operation

by Billy Berghammer - 7:35 am EDT

OPN2000! Yay!

Yup, it's true, I am officially on the staff of OperatioN2000. There's your big news. Maybe not so big for you, but I am happy. I'd like to thank Justin and the rest of the fellahs for letting me be a part of their site (thanks for the link too!). It should be pretty damn cool. What will happen... Read more...

April 27, 1999

Thoughts Before Midnight

by Billy Berghammer - 9:56 pm EDT

Billy has a nice ramble before going to bed.

Today was a very interesting day. Good and bad. Bad thing...no N2000 news. No domain information (blah). And butt-munch over at the "official HQ" still is playing with himself. Heh! But I digress. Anyhoo...I did pick up Smash Bros. . Sweet ass game. I haven't had a whole lot of time to play... Read more...

Nintendo Making Big Bucks

by Billy Berghammer - 1:27 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

Surprising? Nah.

Surprised? I am not at all. Especially after dropping another $50 to Nintendo for Smash Bros. today :) FGN reports:

Nintendo estimates it will report a 20 percent increase in profits to 155 billion yen for the fiscal '98 year, company sources have told the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. If the 14 billion... Read more...

April 26, 1999

It's all about a woman named Samus

by Billy Berghammer - 2:27 pm EDT
Source: Nintendojo

Who's this Mikey Veroni fellah?

Famous words from Mikey Veroni! Oh boy, even Metroid news on a Monday? Yup. I don't know when this was written, but I dug up a really cool story about the next generation of Metroid for you Metroid lovers at Nintendojo.


This beats Monday Night RAW!

by Billy Berghammer - 10:23 am EDT
Source: http://media.internetbroadcast.com/nintendo/199904...

And Mario gets in the ring...

I think you have to see this to believe it. The rebroadcast of the Super Smash Bros. match from Las Vegas is being rebroadcast here. 17 minutes long! Hey, at least it will hold you over until Smash Bros. hits stores tomorrow. Who won the fight? You'll have to check it out for yourself. You will need Real Player G3.


Holy Sh** A New Editorial?

by Billy Berghammer - 10:15 am EDT
Source: Click here to read it!

SEE! I am working!

You gotta be kidding? No, I wouldn't lie to you. I have been busy. ONline 2000 is what is called. I hope you enjoy!


Have I been Slacking?

by Billy Berghammer - 8:53 am EDT

Who me? Never!

Answer = NO! At least not as much as the guy over at the "official hq" Ha ha! Actually I've been damn busy. Today could actually be a really good day in the N2000 community, and I may some big news later today. I am still waiting on the internic to see if I got the domain I applied for. If all... Read more...

April 20, 1999

Eidos is Rad Man?

by Billy Berghammer - 10:18 pm EDT
Source: Nintendojo

mmmmmm.....Goldeneye + N2000. ::drool::

This may be a rumor, but Nintendojo has a little blurb about Eidos. Can you smell goldeneye-ish things on the N2000? I think you could...

Eidos has signed upstart company Free Radical Design to a development deal. Free Radical was formed earlier this year by former members of the team that created the blockbuster Goldeneye 007 for the N64. Rumor has it that Eidos might have their eyes set on N64 or N2000 development


The Planet is Coming...

by Billy Berghammer - 10:56 am EDT

Are you ready?

Hee Hee....your world is about to change. Hopefully by friday. Life is good when you have a new planet coming :)


April 19, 1999

We need a logo

by Billy Berghammer - 2:42 pm EDT
Source: OperatioN2000

Well, not "we" persay. The N2000

Have any ideas on a N2000 logo? Well then go on over to OperatioN2000. They have completely updated their site, and want to know what logo you think the Big "N" should use.

OK, so while people may have never agreed fully on the name of the next Nintendo system we did finally have a winner and... Read more...

Server Problems

by Billy Berghammer - 12:14 pm EDT

Bad things happen to good servers.

Sorry for no updates as of late. My ISP had a little gas or something, which has now been resolved I think. Everything should be back up to speed as of now....Oh, and if you were wondering...the person who bought the domain I wanted hasn't done anything yet. Sheeesh! Oh yeah, and there hasn't been ANY news lately. I feel there will be more around E3! And man do I want to go!


April 15, 1999

Off the Beach

by Billy Berghammer - 1:40 pm EDT

I'm back....and here's the update!

Well kids, I can honestly say, it's not that great to be home. But it's nice to be back to my puter. Okay, I am planning on getting a domain this week, but I need you to vote on what you like better: N2000 or N2K. The choice is yours. E-mail me and let me know. Outside of that, the little break... Read more...

April 5, 1999

N2000HQ beached

by Billy Berghammer - 7:47 pm EDT

I'm outta here...at least for a little while. But for the site...it's a good thing.

At least for the time being. I will be hitting the beaches in Florida for 8 days. Eight days of no news from this page. I apologize (heheheh) for the inconvience. But this will have an advantage. Its going to give me a chance to think of a domain name. Oh what will it be? I don't know. Whatever. I will have E-mail access so if you have any suggestions let me know :) .


April 3, 1999

Well doesn't that blow!

by Billy Berghammer - 3:47 pm EST


So I have been thinking about picking up a domain. Obviously www.n2000hq.com would be a wise choice. Or even www.n2khq.com or something like that. Well guess what kids...they are taken. Heh! Everyone seems to be jumping on the N2000 website bandwagon. Oh well. So here we go...what are we going to name the site? Any ideas? I'm all ears at this point!


April 2, 1999

The News is out there

by Billy Berghammer - 9:37 pm EST
Source: Operation N2000

Operation N2000 updates, Billy logs some more time with BAR.

Well not a whole lot, but at least our friends from OperatioN2000 have been updating most of their site. So, since there isn't any news out there I've been playing Beetle Adventure Racing. I have to admit EA did an excellent job on this game. It's all about gameplay. And this game has it. Yeah,... Read more...

Jack Sh**

by Billy Berghammer - 8:40 am EST

Nothing goin' on here. Exciting stuff inside!

Sorry folks, but to tell you the truth, there hasn't been anything at all happening in the world of the N2000. It is a sad sad thing. Hoping some news pops out of the woodwork today. I have updated links and the faq a bit. So of course, I have been playing games. X-Wing Alliance is awesome! ... Read more...

Technical Difficulties

by Billy Berghammer - 8:23 am EST

Billy is packing up and leaving town... for a few days.

Starting Tuesday of next week there will be an interuption of service on the N2000HQ. I apologize, but I will be out of town for 8 days. I will have limited e-mail capabilities (like once in a while I will check it) but the page probably won't get updated. So I'm breaking out my gameboy pocket... Read more...


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