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March 14, 2000

Import for Christmas? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 6:30 pm EST
Source: Gamespot

As previously indicated, Dolphin is on track for a 2000 release in Japan.

Nintendo of Japan announced today that they are still on schedule for an August release of GBA, and December release for Dolphin! That is good news for Nintendo in Japan. As well as people that are planning on importing one of these bad boys this year. :) Looks like I need to order one of those Learn Japanese in 8 week tape sets! Here's the fluffy goodness.


Saffire Needs Your Help!

by Billy Berghammer - 5:53 pm EST
Source: Saffire's website

Saffire are looking to its fans to help build an advisory board. You don't want to miss this!

This, my friends, is very cool stuff :) Les Pardue from Saffire sent me an e-mail yesterday asking for some help! Want to help Saffire build a better game for the Dolphin? You can! Saffire is starting an advisory group of our fans to design better games. They want to know what people want in the games... Read more...

March 13, 2000

Well, they tried...

by Billy Berghammer - 7:48 pm EST
Source: IGN64 Interview

Jim & Perrin from Nintendo show how well they are at beating around the bush in this interview. Darn them!

It was an extremely tough battle at the GDC for digging up serious Dolphin exclusives. And basically Nintendo likes to run away from specific questions pertaining to Dolphin. (like a screaming ninny)Pretty much anything more than, "So is Dolphin a game system?" gets a little too hot to handle. The... Read more...

More about Sound GC

by Billy Berghammer - 7:00 pm EST
Source: The Nintendo Project

With some help from the newly-founded TNP, we bring you more on Dolphin's sound chip.

Former Co-EIC of Dojo Brian Stelter has e-mailed me about his story with more about the sound situation with Dolphin and the GBA. Even words from Factor 5's Julian Eggebrecht. Dolphin work is just about or is completed.(Personally, I think it's ready) GBA Sound demos by April? Very nice!


Sound Chip = $56.00? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 4:16 pm EST
Source: Diet Game-Online News

From a RUMOR at GDC 2000, it seems that the Dolphin' sound chip costs 56 bucks a piece!

An imported Dolphin at Christmas this year = Priceless :) Rumours of 56 bucks for the Factor 5 chipset. With that much just for the sound chip, will Nintendo eat the losses, or ship at $199.99? I personally feel that Nintendo can successfully launch the system at $199.99 and still be competitive, versus the DC, PS2, and X-Box.


Was it Shown? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 4:07 pm EST
Source: Diet Game-Online News

Lots & lots of rumors from GDC 2000. Was the Dolphin there? What games were mentioned? Get the scoop here.

There are a crapload (metric for a whole lot) of rumors going around that there was a Retro Sports title shown behind closed doors at E3. Our own crack reporter Ed "Darth" Shih was on the scene and said he heard rumors about behind closed showing of something Dolphin, but that was it. The folks from Diet Game-Online News say they have talked to some people who saw this so called demonstration. Here's the juice.


March 11, 2000

The Weekend Rebuild

by Billy Berghammer - 9:12 am EST

As Billy works to move the Planet to version 3.0, he asks for you input and even has a goodie for you!

Well I actually got my first weekend off since Christmas, so I am heavily entrenched in finishing the redesign. We finally have a finished logo. Wooohooo! Can you see it yet? Errr. Not yet. I'd rather unveil the whole package. As iD says...When it's done. ;)

So I want to know what you'd like...

March 10, 2000

Bags of Fish at GDC GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:32 pm EST
Source: IGN64

Nintendo has almost no Dolphin presence at GDC. Seems like an opportunity lost.

Outside of the delay, that was about all Nintendo had at the GDC. Great way to sway support for the system. The way I see it, is it's about time Nintendo shows it's cards. And I don't mean in the Pokemon type either...unless it's a Dolphin game. Matt from IGN paints a pretty bleak picture of the Nintendo camp at GDC. What gives? No offense Nintendo, but a fish in the bag as a joke about Dev kits isn't too funny right now.


Hungry for Japanese? GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 10:58 am EST
Source: Daily Radar

Despite the U.S. delay to 2001, in Japan, Dolphin just might still be released in 2000.

"We are targeting a December launch before the Japanese Christmas season," said Nintendo Company Ltd.'s number two man, Hiroshi Imanishi. "But we have to take many things into consideration for political and strategic reasons, so we just cannot tell if the Japanese launch is 100 percent sure or not."... Read more...

GBA 2 Announced! GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 10:38 am EST
Source: Daily Radar

Although the Game Boy Advance won't be released for some time, Nintendo seem to already be working on its successor.

Next Generation Magazine's recent interview with Nintendo Company Ltd.'s Director and General Manager Hiroshi Imanishi revealed that Nintendo are already working on a portable system to succeed the Game Boy Advance. "We're doing both right now. We're developing AGB (Game Boy Advance) and also at the... Read more...

March 9, 2000

Dolphin Delay Official

by Billy Berghammer - 8:40 pm EST
Source: Nintendo's Statement

Although we're none to happy to report this, the Dolphin has been moved back to 2001.

Yes, I hate to have to type this. Each keystroke is a kick in the groin. It's official. The Dolphin will be delayed until the first half of 2001. Minoru Arakawa has finally released this death blow. Deep down inside you knew it was going to happen. No one wanted to admit it. But it seemed inevitable.


Datadyne is elusive as the CIA

by Steven Thomas - 5:07 pm EST

Steve could have sworn he was going to meet Datadyne today...

I visited Cal State Northridge today in the hopes of finding a massive PR event run by Nintendo promoting the upcoming Perfect Dark .. but they were nowhere to be found.

I walked almost the entire campus, and I drove around it several times. No luck.

Perhaps, I was late .. as a certain representative of Nintendo's suggested, but he offered no information further than that.


Interview with Datadyne

by Steven Thomas - 9:57 am EST

Steve gets an interview with Datadyne -or so he thinks!

I will make this brief, as I have just been informed that I have personal interview scheduled with the Datadyne corporation today. My previous millitary experience should make me an excellent candidate.

Watch for updates later to follow.


March 8, 2000

The Mailbag is up!

by Billy Berghammer - 1:58 pm EST
Source: http://www.planetn2000.com/mailbag/Mail030800.htm

Check it out!

Yeah yeah, I know. Finally. Well we've been a bit busy here. So to make up for it, we are putting up the biggest mailbag yet! So hop on over there, and if you want to send us a question for the next 'bag feel free to send it to us at mailbag@planetn2000.com.


Dolphin Online

by Billy Berghammer - 8:28 am EST
Source: Dolphin Cove

There is some indication that Nintendo is working on online plans for Dolphin...

The Online capabilities of the Dolphin make me drool just thinking about it. Fragging people in the next version of Perfect Dark, or Playing Wave Race or Mario Kart in an online tournament is a dream that I hope Dolphin will make happen. Well Applied Microsystems is looking for an online whiz for work on getting the Dolphin online.


Another Day, Another Developer

by Kosta Andreadis - 4:27 am EST
Source: IGN64

Sandbox Studios let it be known that they are making plans for Dolphin

Texas based developer Sandbox Studios recently stated their position concerning development for the next-generation consoles, which includes Dolphin. "Oh, we've already started working on our Dolphin stuff," and "Sandbox Studios will develop some awesome multiplayer games for next generation consoles... Read more...

March 7, 2000

See, I told you so!

by Steven Thomas - 1:55 pm EST
Source: IGN64

Nyah nyah nyah! We were right!

Dev Kits in the hands of developers for 6 months??

The Dolphin is still on being planned for a end of FY 2000 launch??

Nintendo will take on Microsoft's X-box and the Sony PS2 in one shot??

No real announcements at E3?? (Gosh, I hated writing that part!)

A couple of weeks ago,...

Happy Birthday Planet N2000!

by Billy Berghammer - 2:25 am EST

The Planet turns one year old. Will it survive another year? Who knows! Let's party!

Right on! Bring on the Strippers! Cocktails for everyone!! (if you’re not legal you get Fun Dip and Pixie Stix…and well, no strippers either) Woohoo! Officially the original concept of this site is one year old. I don’t mean to toot our own horn, but since it is our Birthday, I felt it was worthy of noting. And hell, I didn’t get Pokemon Stadium yet so I have some time to kill.


Take it back! Take it back! GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 12:55 am EST
Source: IGN64

New deatails on Dolphins licensing fees suggest that they may be higher than those for PS2.

Most Nintendo fans out there were recently saddened by IGN64 somewhat when they reported on how the Dolphin's licensing fees are looking to be comparible to the N64's according to publishers. This came at a time when we were assured that Nintendo were correcting the mistakes they made with the Nintendo... Read more...

March 6, 2000

New Planet Staff Member!

by Billy Berghammer - 11:40 pm EST
Source: Scott McCall's Gameroom

N64HQ founder Scott McCall joins the Planet!

I'd like to welcome the newest member of our Staff, Scott McCall! You may remember him as the webmaster of Guide 64, as well as the venerable Unofficial Nintendo 64 Headquarters (N64HQ)! Uh, yes he was my (and a couple other of our staff members) boss a few years ago. If you are unaware of his fine... Read more...


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