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March 12, 1999

Enter the Operation

by Billy Berghammer - 11:03 pm EST
Source: OperatioN2000

OperatioN2000 hits the web. And how!

Wow. Surprisingly there seem to be a lot of new N2000 sites poppin up. An off shoot of 64 Source....OperatioN2000 is on the force. Ex-N64 HQ Staffer Justin Nation (wooohoooo!) has done some more QUALITY work. By all means...bookmark this baby. I look forward to seeing more from this site. Justin... Read more...


by Billy Berghammer - 11:01 pm EST
Source: Nintendojo

Quotes is good. Check da quotes...

Nintendojo's N2000 page is shaping up to be a really good source of information. The newly updated quoted page is sweet.


Happy Weekend

by Billy Berghammer - 9:35 pm EST
Source: That IGN64 page

We got the first specs up? Hell yeah!

It's coming. And more info for ya on a friday night! IGN64.com has a decent preview (or review) of what we pretty much already know about the N2000. Peer and Matt have a lot of good info on what the specs could look like...

The original design specs for the N2000 -- a 128-bit system -- called... Read more...

March 10, 1999

No Gnus is Good Gnus

by Billy Berghammer - 9:31 am EST

Deep thoughts...

Nuthin today. Okay the counter hit 100! Probably almost all my hits though. Heh! I am not quite sure how many people visit this site yet, or know about it. But I will keep the news flowing once I see it. Brew Town got it's first official Electronics Boutique. I say official because we had a... Read more...

March 9, 1999

Some spokesperson?!

by Billy Berghammer - 9:15 pm EST
Source: Next Generation

Howie speaks!

The N2000 will be a cartless system. Cheaper and AS powerful as the PSX 2. Okay Howard....cut the crap. You know you're going to have a Commodore Vic 20 hooked up to this and a cassette deck. :) Seriously though, Next Generation was busy today...must know some really good person....

The successor to Nintendo 64 will not use cartridges, Nintendo of America's Chairman Howard Lincoln has confirmed.


Retro Studios does Sports for N2000

by Billy Berghammer - 8:57 pm EST
Source: Retro Studios

Sports games on the N2000 are a good thing.

Who is Retro Studios? One of the first game companies OFFICIALLY (key word there) working on games for the N2000. Next-Generation Online reports that Retro Studios first game will actually be a sports game.

Retro has already recruited "top talent from some of the finest developers in the world."... Read more...

Want to help make that game for Retro Studios?

by Billy Berghammer - 10:06 am EST
Source: Retro

Work for a game company? You think? Duh...

You can! If you (obviously) get hired. Looks like there looking for a BIG team. Check out their site. Hey! I need as Job!


Oh God! Give me a Gun!

by Billy Berghammer - 10:04 am EST
Source: The Pikadance

Get ready to dance...Pikachu style

Maybe it's just me, but I really don't understand the whole Pokemon/Pikachu dealie. This link will explain a little more. Maybe I'll have to get one for my gameboy. Hahahahahaha. I doubt it. Thanks to Blues News for the big story.


E3 Sells out

by Billy Berghammer - 9:22 am EST
Source: Heaven has a website!

I want to go soooooo bad!

Not surprisingly. I wanna go! We shall see if I venture there this summer. I always say every year I should go. Check the story at FGN Online, or go to the Official E3 website and book your reservations! It's so beautiful in LA in May...

For the fifth consecutive year the E3 has sold all... Read more...

March 8, 1999

Okay, I was droolin'

by Billy Berghammer - 9:00 pm EST
Source: Magic Box

I had some pain killers and I thought the PS2's specs were cool. I was under the influence.

This is NOT a Playstation 2 Site. Why would I point out the PSX2 Specs again? Because if Sony's are this good...what will Nintendo do NEXT? Oh bring it on! I thought Magic Box Gaming News did a great job of explaining Sony's new attempt the best...Check out their PIII comparisons. Could it be real? I want my modchip pre-installed :).


The big N Making Bucks

by Billy Berghammer - 8:50 pm EST
Source: Gamespot

I think it's more than a nickle.

Not that it's too surprising Nintendo is making money. 50-60 bucks for Zelda. Sold how many zillion copies? You do the math...or how 'bout GameSpot does the math.

Nintendo of Japan is expected to post a profit for the fiscal year ending March 31 of 147 billion yen (about US$1.2 billion), according... Read more...

Life after the N64?

by Billy Berghammer - 3:49 pm EST
Source: Gamesages

Yes...obviously. There wouldn't be this site here. Duh.

My my...what will it be like? This question may be one that I ask myself in the next year or two. Yet, I found another editorial on Gamesages that ponders this question.


Zelda gets add on

by Billy Berghammer - 7:49 am EST
Source: Gamefan

More Zelda love? Hell yes!

Mmmmmm....Zelda news on a Monday. Good thing. Game Fan Online says there's a possiblility Zelda will get an add-on pack. Looks like we all won't have to wait for the N2000 and the next installment of Zelda to cruise around Hyrule again!

Sources have informed GameFan Online that a Zelda 64... Read more...

64 Source Speculation

by Billy Berghammer - 7:09 am EST
Source: 64 Source!

It's love from the Source

It's an editorial, I know, I know. It's not news. What can I say...Well it's an interesting article to say the least. So read it, damn you!


Howard Lincoln Speaks

by Billy Berghammer - 6:47 am EST
Source: Game Online

C'mon...it's HOWIE baby!

Game Online and FGN Online listen. Specs by the end of the year? Here's the word...

Nintendo will release the specifications for its next generation console by the end of 1999, NoA's Howard Lincoln told a conference of third-party publishers in Italy. He confirmed that the new hardware is being... Read more...

I lasted 24 hours

by Billy Berghammer - 6:37 am EST


Exciting eh? Any comments, suggestions, rants, raves...whatever have you. Send em to me. If you would like to send me an editorial, please do so in MS Word 97 format. No promises of publication, but if it's good I'll think about it.

Today's Updates:


-Game List




March 7, 1999

Dojo talks Next Gen

by Billy Berghammer - 2:18 pm EST
Source: Nintendojo

Good talk about the future!

With all the talk about the Next Generation of systems, two of the boys over at Nintendojo talk about what the next next generation war will be like. Head to the Dojo for the discussion!


PSX 2. The Facts

by Billy Berghammer - 1:44 pm EST
Source: Next Gen

Sony specs

Well if you have been under a rock, and you haven't seen the competition, here's a good link to NG's PSX2 lowdown. I know, it's Sony. Well if there's a modchip for it, I'll pick one up. :) If this shit is for real, Nintendo's new toy is gonna rock!


Turok 3 on N2000? GC

by Billy Berghammer - 1:35 pm EST
Source: FGN

Tupac Dino Killah 3 doing the N2000?

FGN Online says there's news from Acclaim's camp that Turok 3 will appear on N2000. Here's the story.

An Acclaim source has revealed that a new Turok game will arrive this December as planned, but it won't be called Turok 3. According to IGN64, Turok Arena is in the works. As the title suggests,... Read more...

Pokemon will save Nintendo?!

by Billy Berghammer - 12:48 pm EST
Source: Game Informer

Hell yeah! Them buggers sure are cute!

Pokemon will save Nintendo?! 2:48pm

Yep, it's true. Sony releases specs of the PSX2 and Nintendo shows it nuts. Pokemon. Read all the big, huge, important news at Game Informer. If you can't tell, I'm being totally f%*cking sarcastic.



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