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February 28, 2002

Biohazard Pics & Movie GC

by Michael Cole - 9:59 pm EST
Source: Capcom

You can't have a Biohazard game without weapons, right?! Check them out in Capcom's latest update!

Capcom's big GameCube release is coming up, and Capcom is keeping the hype alive! The latest screens feature Biohazard's item and map menu, but you'll need to see it in action to really appreciate it!


Animal Forest + coming to North America! ARCGC

by Michael Cole - 7:23 pm EST
Source: IGN Cube

Miyamoto and Iwata discuss GameCube, its games and more in the city of Las Vegas!

IGN attended the Nintendo Roundtable Conference earlier today, where Shigeru Miyamoto and Satoru Iwata answered various questions about Nintendo and its products. Below are a few of the highlights:

Are US conversions of Animal Forest +, Doshin the Giant, and Animal Leader planned for underway?


Doshin’s Website Now Open GC

by Bakudan Yoshinoya - 6:55 am EST
Source: Nintendo

Nintendo of Japan updates its website with info on Doshin the Giant.

Nintendo has updated its Japan website with more info on Kyojin no Doshin (Doshin the Giant). Follow the links below to see some Doshin artwork and screenshots.

“Welcome to the island!” – artwork

“Let’s look at what Doshin does in his life!” – screenshots


Congratulations Pikmin! GC

by Bakudan Yoshinoya - 6:26 am EST
Source: GameCube Inside

Pikmin is awarded the Excellence Prize for the Digital Art Interactive Division from the Agency for Culture Affair in Japan. Read what Miyamoto said regarding the award.

At the fifth Media Arts Festival, Pikmin is awarded the Excellence Prize for the Digital Art Interactive Division. Here is what Miyamoto commented about the award:

“Are video games in a rut? A disproportionate emphasis on technology and graphics has taken away from the appeal of game design... Read more...

February 27, 2002

Konami Ships ZOE: The Fist of Mars

by Jonathan Metts - 11:37 am EST
Source: Konami Press Release

The handheld follow-up to Konami's PS2 mech-shooter is now available.

Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars takes place in the same "universe" as ZOE for PlayStation 2, in which giant mechs are used by the military to police various colonies out in our solar system. The Fist of Mars is a 2D strategy game with some RPG-like elements. Here is the official press release:


February 26, 2002

UFC Fights its Way to the GameCube GC

by Steven Rodriguez - 11:17 pm EST
Source: GameSpot

An octagon is what a squared circle really looks like. It'll look a lot better on GameCube.

Crave announced that its newest game in the UFC series, subtitled Throwdown, will be ready for the GameCube (and PS2) in Q2 2002.

GameSpot is saying that there will be a heavy emphasis on the create-a-fighter mode, where you can basically make a champion from scratch by starting out in small tournaments until you get to the real Ultimate Fighting Championship.


GBA TV Adapter $70 GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 3:30 pm EST
Source: Video Game Advantage

This has to be the cheapest price I've seen on one of these yet. Looking to get one? Look no further than one of our sponsors.

Video Game Advantage is selling a TV Adapter for the Game Boy Advance for as little as $69.99. It has stereo, AV, and S-Video jacks.

I talked with the owner, and his employees modified 2 Game Boy Advances within minutes. Everything you need to perform the simple modification is included in the box.


Die Hard Developer Interview GC

by Steven Rodriguez - 12:18 pm EST
Source: Computer and Videogames

Bits Studios goes under the microscope, revealing more for this GCN exclusive.

The European mag talked with the developer a bit, uncovering a lot about effects, story, and other things. Here's a slice of it, but be sure to click the link to the rest of the pie.

Anything you can tell us about multiplayer features?

Aguera - There's nothing I can say that's confirmed.... Read more...

Sonic Sells Superbly GC

by Billy Berghammer - 11:40 am EST

Sega releases sales figures of Sonic 2 Battle. Yes...it sold bucketloads.

Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog Tops the Charts On Its Nintendo GameCube Debut

''Sonic Adventure 2 Battle'' is the #1 Selling Title on Nintendo GameCube In its First Week of Availability

Sega(R) of America today announced that its recently launched "Sonic Adventure(tm) 2 Battle" for the Nintendo... Read more...

Jeremy McGrath's Supercross World Ships GC

by Jonathan Metts - 10:46 am EST
Source: Acclaim Press Release

Acclaim's motorcycle racing game is now available for GameCube.

We just posted a preview the other day; now Supercross World should be in a store near you! Here's the official press release:

Acclaim Max Sports Ships `Jeremy McGrath Supercross World' For Nintendo GameCube

GLEN COVE, N.Y.--(ENTERTAINMENT WIRE)--Feb. 26, 2002--Delivering high-flying motorcycle...

Nintendo Cube Clubs Finally Reach Europe GC

by Karlie Yeung - 10:43 am EST
Source: http://www.nintendo.nl/

Well, some of Europe. If you live in the Netherlands, you’ll be able to get your hands on the GameCube next month!

Nintendo Benelux has updated their website with details for two Cube Clubs to be held in March. Both events are being held in the Netherlands and the first will be on March 19th in Utrecht with a second in Rotterdam on 26th March. They are running from 7pm until 11pm.

There are 50 VIP tickets up for grabs (each can admit two) and the winners will be announced on March 12th. Last date for entries is March 8th.


Famitsu Interviews Doshin's Creator GC

by Bakudan Yoshinoya - 8:51 am EST
Source: Famitsu Weekly

Check out Famitsu's interview with Iida-san. Includes info on changes from the 64DD version, Giles Goddard's influence, and more!

The newest Famitsu Weekly in Japan has a pretty extensive interview with Iida-san, Doshin the Giant's creator. Here is PGC's exclusive translation of that interview:

Famitsu: The graphics of Kyojin no Doshin may have changed, but I believe the fun factor has not changed. The improvement on the graphics made the game much more enjoyable.


February 25, 2002

ANOTHER Miyamoto Euro Press Sighting GC

by Steven Rodriguez - 1:55 pm EST
Source: CNN.com

Miyamoto stops in London to toot Nintendo's horn. See what he said this time.

Popping up more often than Waldo, Shiggy talked briefly with CNN about all things GameCube. Here's a little blurb.

"It is up to the software developers to decide if they want to create games that utilise the connection, but I do not personally have great interest in network gaming," the designer said.


Konami Announces Frogger Advance

by Jonathan Metts - 10:56 am EST
Source: Konami Press Release

The old-school gaming hero is leaping into some new(er)-school side-scrolling action, thanks to Vicarious Visions.

Frogger's last GBA outing was a lot like his games have always been, but this newest entry to the series should be a breath of fresh air. Check out the press release below, and look for some screenshots later today.




Animal Leader Arrives! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 7:55 am EST

Fed Ex is the ONLY thing that will get my butt out of bed at 8am. Check out the box art, and the exclusive to Japan presellers only...the controller baubles!

If my door buzzer goes off before 9am, that means one of two things. 1. My car will be towed. 2. Fed Ex has a package for me. Fortunately it was the latter.

Louie breakdancing in the Dobutsu Bancho love!

Yes, it's just another typical Monday morning in the offices of Planet GameCube.... Read more...

February 24, 2002

Nintendo getting sued over wrongful death

by Billy Berghammer - 2:53 pm EST
Source: Star Tribune

How long do you play Nintendo games? After reading this you'll either want to change your gaming habits...or bang your head against the wall.

BATON ROUGE, LA. A Louisiana woman is suing Nintendo, alleging her 30-year-old son suffered seizures after playing video games for eight hours a day, six days a week.

The lawsuit filed in federal court says the man died last year after hitting his head and mouth on a table during one of the seizures. It claims the man never had seizures before buying a Nintendo-64 player in 1999.


February 23, 2002

Europe launch apology, and Mario Kart surprise! GC

by Rick Powers - 8:52 am EST
Source: Ananova

Shigeru Miyamoto apologizes for the late European launch, and drops a tidbit about Mario Kart ...

In what appears to be a brief interview with news site Ananova (known for it's 100% CG news "anchor"), Miyamoto explains the Europe launch delay.

"We could have launched GameCube into Europe in March of this year, but we didn't.

"We are sorry that we are late in introducing the GameCube... Read more...

February 22, 2002

Nintendo President announces his retirement

by Desmond Gaban - 11:13 pm EST
Source: Mainichi Shinbun

Nintendo Company President Hiroshi Yamauchi to retire by June.

Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi (74 years old) announced at a stock holder's meeting that he, having served as president for the last 53 years, will retire by June. 1983 was the year that the Family Computer was released, reviving the Game player market. Nintendo had gone from a Hanafuda Card company to an International Game Maker company.


AOU 2002 Friday Update GCARC

by Bakudan Yoshinoya - 1:29 am EST

AOU 2002 has begun! Here's the first details of what we'll find on the show floor tomorrow morning.

The Amusement Expo (AOU) 2002 is taking place today at the Makuhari Messe in Japan. New arcade games and attractions were playable, including Namco's Soul Calibur 2 and Banpresto's Gundam Battle Academy, a four player Gundam virtual attraction.

Because today is X-Box launch day here, the...

February 21, 2002

Miyamoto Interview in London!

by Steve Schardein - 12:24 pm EST
Source: Computer and Video Games

Ha! And you thought that was the last of the Miyamoto interviews? Here is yet another, this time from a press conference in London!

CVG just had the pleasure of sitting down with Mr. Miyamoto in London. Here's a short excerpt:

Q:Are you at all interested in working with the new Triforce arcade hardware and what possibilities do you feel it offers?

Miyamoto: I actually don't know to what extent I can talk about this,... Read more...


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