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February 28, 2001

Namco Is Officially On Board GC

by Ed Shih - 7:07 pm EST
Source: IGN Cube

There's been speculation about Namco and Gamecube, but now it's official.

Namco released financial statements today that cited a significant loss (mostly attributed to the disappointing performance of the PS2). Of greater interest to Gamecube fans is that Namco stated that they will be supporting Gamecube. It's been speculated about before, but the financial statement... Read more...

Rare grabs more names for Conker

by David Trammell - 2:31 pm EST
Source: IGN Cube

New trademarks hint at Conker's BFD 2.

Ok, so we're a little late with this news... On February 1, 2001, Rare got ahold of two new trademarks: Conker's Other Bad Day, and Grabbed by the Ghoulies. There have been no official comments on this yet, but we can guess a few things from the names. The Conker title is likely a possible sequel (presumably on the GameCube) to Conker's Bad Fur Day. The other name... well, that could be anything really.


RUMOR: Virtual Fighter 4 on NGC? RumorGC

by Max Lake - 2:20 pm EST
Source: Segadojo

Segadojo is starting rumors! Although Virtual Fighter 4 has been listed as a PS2 exclusive, this might not be the case.

RUMOR ALERT! Segadojo just posted a RUMOR that we might be seeing Sega's highly anticipated Virtual Fighter 4 on the Nintendo GameCube. This has already been a long "unspoken" rumor as it has been uncertain whether or not VF4 was really exclusive to PS2. While we still don't know, our pals at Segadojo have boldly pieced some clues together and have started the RUMOR that Virtual Fighter 4 may just end up on GameCube.


Go Go Power Rangers! GBA

by Mike Sklens - 1:15 pm EST
Source: Gaming Age

I wish they would go away.

THQ has announced that they will be releasing new video games for the GBA, GBC, and PSX based on the "Power Rangers Time Force" show on the FOX network. There isn’t any word on a plot yet, but it will involve time travel and "stopping evil criminals from manipulating the timeline."


METRIS - Play It! GC

by Mike Sklens - 12:39 pm EST
Source: Penny Arcade

Yeah, some crazy guy actually made Metris!

One of those crazy readers of Penny Arcade has whipped up a playable version of Metris, which was featured in this strip. What are you waiting for? Go get it now, or cry yourself to sleep.


Competition from Microsoft for dominance

by Rick Powers - 9:40 am EST
Source: Seattle Times

While not Gamecube related, this article should open all of our eyes to the threat that is X-Box.

The Seattle Times article goes into depth about the aura at and around Microsoft when it comes to the X-Box project. The X-Box is seemingly succeeding on all front where everyone thought it was doomed to fail. Nintendo and Sony should both be worried, and step up their efforts. Why? The following quote says it all ...


February 27, 2001

All Your College...eh, screw it.

by Jonathan Metts - 7:23 pm EST
Source: Planet Game Cube

This is getting out of hand.

I guess this is just a sign of the times. About a week ago, I showed some of my friends the "All Your Base" music video that Ty mentioned here at the Planet. Well now, only days later, people all over the dorm and indeed, all over the school are jibbering away with such phrases as "How are you gentlemen!!"... Read more...

Dino Planet for launch! GC

by David Trammell - 6:21 pm EST
Source: IGN Cube

Finally, an unofficial confirmation of what we knew all along.

According to IGN Cube, "Sources close to Rare finally confirm that the company's 3D Zelda killer is a GameCube launch title." The article goes on to say that the Dino Planet team has been working on the conversion since November 2000. That's plenty of time to get it done for the American launch.


Improved Worm Light GBA

by Jonathan Metts - 5:41 pm EST
Source: GameSpot

Nyko releases a picture of its upcoming GBA acessories, and guess what? It's pass-thru time!

Last week we told you about Nyko's upcoming GBA products, including their new version of the extremely popular Worm Light. Today Gamespot posted a picture of the new product lineup, and it contains a little surprise. (Or maybe I just didn't notice it earlier...) Anyway, the picture shows that the... Read more...

Miyamoto confirms Gamecube Zelda GC

by Rick Powers - 3:47 pm EST
Source: Magic Box

Shigeru Miyamoto confirms not only that Zelda is in development for Gamecube, but that the footage from SpaceWorld was actual gameplay footage!

Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed the development of Legend of Zelda for GameCube, he also confirmed that the GameCube Zelda video from last year's Nintendo Space World were [sic] the actual gameplay footage. The GameCube version of Zelda will be directed by Mitsihiro Takano, the project director of Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for N64.


February 26, 2001

Rollin' out the Flippers GC

by Mike Sklens - 6:35 pm EST
Source: IGN Cube

NEC opens a new factory to pump out graphics chipsets for the GameCube

NEC has announced that they have just opened their new $761 million manufacturing facility to produce Flipper graphics chipsets for the Nintendo GameCube. Mass production of the GPU had already begun in January but with the new factory there should be much increased output of chip sets. With NEC already producing massive amounts of chips, it looks like the GameCube will have no trouble hitting its launch date.


Color Me Speechless...

by Justin Nation - 6:25 pm EST
Source: The Anti-Nintendo?

While this isn't directly related to the Gamecube sometimes you just have to see something...

OK, so in the last year Nintendo has surprised me a few times. First they made a mascot fighter, then they made an interesting ad campaign for Perfect Dark... but folks, this tops the list. I'm not even sure what to say... wow. A mix of emotions. Joy that Nintendo has come out of the closet somewhat... Read more...

February 25, 2001

AGB Treats for GBC Zeldas! GBA

by Zosha Arushan - 10:27 pm EST
Source: RPGamer

Mysterious GamePak and the shiny new handheld!

RPGamer put a cool little article up about how Nintendo is making sure their GBC Zelda opuses will get the 32-bit treatment. Well a 32-bit bonus at least.

One of the most exciting features of the GameBoy Advance is the system's capability to play GameBoy Color titles. However, up until now, there... Read more...

February 24, 2001

New GBA Goodies

by Ty Shughart - 1:31 pm EST
Source: Electronic Gaming Montly

The mag's got the shots, not the site.

EGM (the print version, anyway) has some new pictures of new GBA names that Majesco will be putting out - Iridion 3D, Earthworm Jim (EWJ 2, it looks like), and Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure.

Majesco is working with Shin'en for Iridion 3D - it's looking quite nice, have a look:

And, of course, a couple pictures of the 16-bit ports. You've probably seen the games before, though...


Sony: Criminally Insane

by Ty Shughart - 10:58 am EST

This Sony rep sounds very childish.

I just got this in my email, good stuff, here...

Having worked at Comp USA, I will tell you this...

Sony Reps do the following:

1. Demand we put PS2 and PSX demo stations in the front displays, and the Dreamcast/ N64 ones in the back...way back where almost no one goes.

2. Will purposely...

The GBA Pre-Order Saga GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 10:14 am EST
Source: IGN Pocket

Are you importing a GBA? You better read this then!

There are a bunch of you out there that have pre-orders already for importing a GBA this March. So what is it like to be in Japan and wanting to pre-order? IGN Pocket's correspondant has an excellent report on what the vibe is in Japan, as well as what it's like to pre-order over seas. If you have any inkling of Pre-ordering and wanting to nab your GBA in March, I would hurry up. Chances are, you'll be paying a lot more now.


February 23, 2001

Metroid a FPA, not a FPS GC

by Billy Berghammer - 6:19 pm EST
Source: The cube that's IGN

After people were having fits of rage last week with the report of Metroid becoming a FPS. The story deepens...

Reports from IGN Cube say that Metroid is not a first person shooter, but a first person adventure.

What does this mean per say?

Metroid isn't exactly what many readers think. It's not a shooter so much, say sources, as it is an adventure in first-person view -- an FPA if you will -- and... Read more...


by Jeff Shirley - 2:23 pm EST
Source: Fatbabies

According to Fatbabies, Sony recently "asked" a Funcoland to pull down al their X-Box and GameCube advertising shiz.... or else they lose their PS2 shipments. Here's the scoop:

Apparently Sony is still threatening retailers (see Sony the Bully) who display any sort of X-Box promotional material. A manager of a Funcoland stated they were required to remove all X-Box pre-orders because Sony called and e-mailed to threaten PS2 hardware and software shipments will be shorted to the store if the store does not remove all pre-orders and marketing materials for X-Box and GameCube.


Cool Interview Shiz

by Justin Nation - 11:35 am EST
Source: Consoles France

Ex Square employee Hiroki Kikuta of Secret of Mana fame talks about the future with Consoles France.

Check it, a new interview on Consoles France with Hiroki Kikuta, one of the people who helped make Secret of Mana and other Square classics back in the days of yore so special. To be honest, I was a bit shocked by the optimism about Nintendo coming from a Japanese developer but maybe things aren't... Read more...

Crossover of the Century

by Max Lake - 4:00 am EST
Source: Segadojo

Hell hasn't froze over, Nintendo & Sega have some big plans... What all do they entail? And what's this? A New Planet Iron Scribe?!?

The frequent appearance of Nintendo / Sega rumors over the past few months has been reminiscent of that ol' carnie classic, "Whack-a-Mole." A rumor would pop up somewhere only to be swiftly crushed beneath a skeptical media. Almost immediately, another crazy Sega rumor would appear from somewhere,... Read more...


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