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February 20, 2000

Looking for graphics guru

by Billy Berghammer - 12:57 am EST

Get a job at the Planet!

Are you a graphics god? Submit your portfolio or artwork to me as soon as humanly possible. You think you have what it takes? Prove it. Your test? Design a mock logo of Planet N2000. You have your mission. God speed. Hey, you might actually land a gig here on at Planet Staff!


February 18, 2000

Good Radar reading?

by Billy Berghammer - 12:55 am EST
Source: Daily Radar

Take a look inside...

It's True! And I ain't no Pig Fu$%er! This is kind of an extention in philosophies of what the Dorks said earlier. More pondering while we wait for real hard news! I do have to agree with the ideas presented here. Can Nintendo pull off a 2000 release in the US? Damn will there be a sh*$load of amazing games to play this holiday season. I'll have to quit my job. :) But this is another good read none the less.


Dorks Say No to GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 12:50 am EST
Source: Nintendorks

Dorkus Malorkus.

In a few words, the folks over at Nintendorks don't think the GBA will be released in the US in 2000. Because of the GBA? You betcha! A quick little lesson in business! Check it....

More light shed on GBA launch

Gameboy Advance seems to be the talk of the town the past few weeks, especially... Read more...

Pulling Teeth is Fun!

by Billy Berghammer - 12:48 am EST

Ty now has four more holes in his head.

Unfortunately there will be no Planet Trivia tonight. Ty (S-U-P-E-R) is busy tending to his pain from a fun and pleasant wisdom teeth pulling, and I will be out for the night (not getting my teeth pulled). Sorry Folks! But Planet Trivia will be returning next week Friday! Get studying, and stay tuned for details....


February 17, 2000

New Developer Profile

by Kosta Andreadis - 12:43 am EST
Source: http://www.planetn2000.com/devprof/suckerpunch.htm...

Kosta serves up some developer action!

Up and comers Sucker Punch developed a real treat for Nintendo fans with their very first outing Rocket: Robot on Wheels for the Nintendo 64. Boasting a unique development style this is definitely one Dolphin developer to look out for. Check out our new developer profile on the company where we tell... Read more...

It's all about $$$

by Billy Berghammer - 12:41 am EST
Source: Tendo Box

Tendo Box is two words.

The fine folks at Tendo Box have a nice editorial about Nintendo's Marketing strategies called "Marketing the Next Generation." The editorial takes a look at Nintendo's marketing strategies for this year. It's also suggests a possible Delay of both of the next gen Nintendo systems (Dolphin, GBA)...which I could agree with. Follow the related link to read!


February 16, 2000

Build it and they will come

by Kosta Andreadis - 12:36 am EST
Source: Doplhin Cove

Dolphins, IBM, and Fran oh my!

Seems like everything may be right on schedule as the news that IBM has produced 2,000,000 copper chips, with over 1,000,000 in the past 4 months alone, has surfaced. Some people's viewpoint on wether IBM an Nintendo could succesfully produce such a large maount of chips on time seem to be squashed... Read more...

More MIDI Madness

by Ty Shughart - 12:34 am EST
Source: http://www.planetn2000.com/jukebox/archive.html

MIDI goodness for all!

Check it out: there is now a MIDI of the Day archive - open it through the MOTD window. It'll tell you what the current MIDI is, too. Don't forget, we take requests! Leave 'em in the talkback page of this news story, or e-mail that crazy Ty.


GBA Shown? GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 12:31 am EST
Source: IGNPocket


Hell yeah! Bring it on! After picking up my GBC the other day and getting lost in the world of Pokemon (god forbid!) I have just been facinated with the concept of GBA, and what it will be able to do. IGN Pocket has done a very cool recap, and preview of the new handheld. Interesting to note that this editorial says that people have actually seen a demonstration of GBA playing a version of the N64 game Yoshi's Story. Hrmmm. Read on!


ATI buys Art-X

by Billy Berghammer - 12:28 am EST
Source: Yahoo Finance

ATI purchases Art-X for 400 million!

If I had $400 Million Dollars I would have bought Art-X as well! Then again if I had 400 million I wouldn't be writing this right now :). I'd be partying like a freaking rockstar! ATI is purchasing Art-X to break into the e-appliance and gaming realm. I'd say Art-X is a good place to start. Here's the goods!


February 15, 2000

Making Sense

by Kosta Andreadis - 12:26 am EST
Source: IGN64

New hints from NOA...?

It seems that Nintendo are looking into the field of tilt sensory devices for controllers. This type of device would allow the user to manipulate the on-screen character or vehicle by tilting the controller either left-or-right or up-or-down. Nintendo recently patented related trademarks which range... Read more...

Ubi Soft Dolphin Bound GC

by Billy Berghammer - 12:23 am EST
Source: FGN Online

Ubi Soft is flexing it's next gen muscles! Looking forward to Dolphin and GBA development, and multiplayer gaming! Check it...

Ubi Soft is flexing it's next gen muscles! Looking forward to Dolphin and GBA development, and multiplayer gaming! Check it...

Ubi Soft intends to develop for all the major next-gen console formats including X-Box and sees the future of gaming based on online multiplayer titles.

A spokeswoman...

February 14, 2000

Trivia #9 Results

by Ty Shughart - 12:21 am EST
Source: http://www.planetn2000.com/chat.html

Trvia results for all!

A closer game this time; Dolph wins by a single point. Click here for the final scores, questions, and answers. Tune in this Friday at 8 pm CST for your chance be the trivia master!

On a side note, today's MIDI of the Day is Mega Man X - Storm Eagle's theme.


Domain dreamin!

by Billy Berghammer - 12:14 am EST
Source: Dolphin Cove

Fran is da man!

If you are a loyal Forum reader this story isn't news to you. Interesting how a story brews in our forum section and ends up somewhere else as a news story! Well I think it's worth of noting as well. :) A bunch of the notable Dolphin companies have purchased specific domain names. There's a lot of good stuff here, but some is speculation. But Velvet Dark does have a ring to it....check it.


February 13, 2000

The Weekend Wanted!

by Billy Berghammer - 12:12 am EST
Source: http://www.planetn2000.com/wanted.html

Samus on Dolphin. What else is new?

Samus keeps her ass whoopin' up another week! Like I'm surprised. :) Anyhoo...check out how your favorites fared this week! It's the weekly drama that you know and love. It's Wanted! Vote now!


February 12, 2000

Mailbag Needs You!

by Billy Berghammer - 12:11 am EST
Source: http://www.planetn2000.com/mailbag.html

All your question are belong to us!!

We are about to roll out the next edition of our mailbag...but something is missing! Your quality questions! Fire 'em in! You have a good question for our staff? Send it to us at mailbag@planetn2000.com !


February 11, 2000

Radar Crisis Update

by Kosta Andreadis - 12:08 am EST
Source: Daily Radar

Daily Radar is-- [censored for inappropriate content]

Daily Radar has been under criticism since its inception. They have been called things like 'biased towards Sony', and much worse. Sony Radar's "5 reasons Dolphin won't outpower the PS2" caused a stir, and brought this fact to the gaming world, and in turn caused the Nintendo faction of Daily Radar... Read more...

Now that's good Karma!

by Kosta Andreadis - 12:04 am EST
Source: http://www.karma-studios.com/

The Planet = Infinite source of horrid puns.

I actually have little to no 'karma' perception but judging form the interview over at Nintendojo with Dutch developers Karma Studios, I'm guessing that this one counts as good karma. The developers have so far completed 5 games for the Gameboy Color and are actively seeking publishers for these titles.... Read more...

Today's Rumor #1

by Billy Berghammer - 12:02 am EST
Source: IGN64

The Forums and IGN64 are one?!

If you are a member or a casual reader of Planet N2000's Forums, we have a normal reader, and poster that has been talking a lot about this thing called...N1E2x8T. We will keep this person anonymous...by calling him....Jimmy. Now, this N1E2x8T concept has been debated for about a week in the forums.... Read more...

February 10, 2000

Today's Rumor #2

by Billy Berghammer - 11:59 pm EST
Source: Nintendorks

Rumour Rumour Rumour!

GBA secretly displayed? The rumors come a flying today. This one is from Nintendorks. How ready is the GBA?

Rumor Monkey: I'm back on the keyboard tonight with some next-gen goods. Lets start off with Gameboy Advance.

I yakked it up with a gentleman today that was in Japan just last week.... Read more...


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