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November 20, 2001

Hot Wheels Burnin' Rubber ships for GBA GBA

by Jonathan Metts - 3:07 pm EST
Source: THQ Press Release

THQ's newest GBA racing game has shipped to stores, and yes, it includes a battery to save your game.

Burnin' Rubber is the first Hot Wheels game from THQ, but certainly isn't the company's first racing title on Game Boy Advance. Players will be able to race over 25 Hot Wheels cars through 16 tracks, and you can upgrade and customize each car. There is also a two-player feature in which you can race against a friend with your customized ride. Here's the full press release from THQ:


European GBA Dates

by Karlie Yeung - 2:40 pm EST
Source: http://www.uknside.com/cgi-bin/news/fullnews.cgi?n...

Some release dates! From Nintendo of France! For first party titles! Don’t get too excited now, these are all GBA games.

Nintendo France have announced the dates for three Game Boy Advance titles, all for the beginning of next year. European gamers will be pleased to know that Advance Wars will be hitting their shores on the 11th of January and Golden Sun on the 22nd of February, with Super Mario Advance 2 following on the 22nd of March.


Miyamoto Speaks with Mainichi

by Max Lake - 1:04 pm EST
Source: Mainici

Shiggy talks to Japanese publication Mainichi about the GameCube launch in Japan, NGC’s online future, game design and more in this delightful translated chat!

Thanks to Fennec Fox, proprietor of the always wonderful Video Senki, a recent Mainichi online interview with Shigeru Miyamoto has been translated into English. Miyamoto talks about the less-than-stellar Japanese launch, the GameCube and its online future and what he feels is important in game design.


Harrison says, "Virtual Sell Out" GC

by Billy Berghammer - 12:18 pm EST
Source: CNET

Nintendo of America's VP George Harrison says GameCube is selling out everywhere. Are you surprised?

CNET has posted a 5 minute video interview with Nintendo of America's VP George Harrison. Harrison talks about how well GameCube is doing in Japan, and how well he thinks Nintendo will do this year in North America.

Good stuff! Click

here to head over to the page where you can watch the interview!


GameCube outsells Harry Potter? GC

by Rick Powers - 11:56 am EST
Source: Nintendo

Nintendo proves thast the videogame industry is indeed stronger than even the biggest movie ...

Nintendo has just issued a press release (details below) in which they show sales of the GameCube have exceeded in one day what Harry Potter earned over the same weekend.

But the really interesting part is in the second paragraph: Sales of the GameCube more than DOUBLED the sales of X-Box.


Hyper Sports 2002 Winter Announced for GameCube GC

by Andres Rojas - 12:43 am EST
Source: GC-Inside

GC-Inside got the scoop on Konami's winter sports entry to the GC lineup.

Konami will release Hyper Sports 2002 Winter for multiple platforms in Japan this winter, including PlayStation 2, XBox, GameCube and GameBoy Advance. The game will feature 10 sports events such as speed skating.

One screenshot accompanied the story, which was scanned from a magazine, so you're going to have to forgive the quality until we can dig up some better shots.


Super Monkey Ball Plushes! GC

by Ty Shughart - 12:32 am EST
Source: http://www.ncsx.com/ncs111901/ncs1119.htm

They're soooooooo cute!

NCSX has lovable Super Monkey Ball Plushes up for preorder at the pretty darn low price of $15 each. Check 'em out!


November 19, 2001

Day 1: Nintendo Nets $100 Million GC

by Mike Hrusecky - 10:48 pm EST
Source: Reuters

GameCube nets $100 million on its first day, with an average of 2-3 games per unit sold. Launch numbers inside.

Perrin Kaplan told Reuters that Nintendo netted $100 million in revenue on the first day of Nintendo's GameCube launch, surpassing Harry Potter ($90 mil.)

Though 700,000 units were shipped, she did not say how many were sold. However, Kaplan did tell Reuters that sell-throughs were "over what we think Microsoft's allocation was."


November 18, 2001

Quiet Launch in Jasper, Alabama GC

by Jonathan Metts - 5:43 pm EST

Big surprise. Read on for Jonny's launch story.

I've been planning for some time to buy my GameCube at Walmart, mainly because I wasn't sure if I'd be at college or back home on launch day, but also because I avoid pre-order bundles like the plague. After our football game yesterday (we lost), I threw the TV and suitcase into my Trans Am and hurried... Read more...

Show us your LAUNCH! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 1:07 pm EST

You got your cube. Your Nintendo dreams have come true! So what's next? Tell us about it!

HAPPY GAMECUBE LAUNCH EVERYONE!!! We're putting together a little launch recap, and we want your comments and stories about your launch experiences!

Did you go thru hell to get your GameCube? Did you get it early? Did you get everything you wanted?

So far we've gotten some good stories about camping, and the like, but we need more!


Gainesville, Florida Launch Report GC

by Mike Sklens - 7:41 am EST

Mike S camped out all day yesterday to get his GameCube! Check out what he did there.

I knew I was going to camp out at my local Wal-Mart to get my GameCube. Originally I had planned to get there around 7pm. But, I stopped by there early to see how the line was forming and there was already a guy there at 10am. So, I decided to run home and get my stuff. I came back around 1, and there was a 2nd person there by now. The two guys, Ralph and Jon, were REALLY cool. Jon is a HUGE Earthbound fan and he does work for Starman.net.


GameCube Launch in Dayton, Ohio!

by Max Lake - 6:44 am EST

Just like everywhere else, people can't wait for the Cube!

Believe it or not PGC readers, I’m not getting a GameCube today. I’m a day late and a dollar short or something, so I am going to have to bide my time and save up. I’m planning on getting my Cube on or before Dec. 3rd, provided I can find one! I’m not too worried, as Nintendo will be shipping... Read more...

Baltimore-Area Launch Report GC

by Justin Nation - 3:48 am EST

34 degrees outside, 4:00 AM, and a group of people standing outside shivering their asses off? Must be launch day...

Just got back from the launch at my local Wal-Mart and I must say I was shocked at the turn out. The store had 59 Cubes and they ALL went... easily.

When Ali got me up around 3:15 AM I really originally wasn't going to go. "Nah, who is going to be nuts enough to stand out there ar 3:00 AM?" Well,... Read more...

Local Launch Report

by Ty Shughart - 2:16 am EST
Source: http://www.planetgamecube.com/news.cfm?action=item...

How come I don't have a memory card? Whine, gripe, groan.

Oddly enough, the local launch in town was pretty sane - but, there are a few things worth touching on. I live in a non-huge town (Missoula! Any readers out there give a shout out yo), so it's not like there were a hundred people lined up. Maybe like, twenty.

Most importantly, there weren't as...

GameCube has LAUNCHED! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 12:32 am EST

The GameCube has launched in North America! WOOHOO! So what was it like to be at a Midnight sale? What?! Shortage? Hey, we did warn you...

Even though I have already been blessed with the love that is GameCube, I wanted to pick up a controller or two (indigo/clear and spice mind you) and check out the Midnight launch scene. The 24 hour Wal-Mart in Eagan, Minnesota was my best bet. At least this is where our forums (quick plug) pointed me. I grabbed my digital camera and was off.


November 17, 2001

Launch lines are forming! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 4:06 pm EST

Across the country lines are forming already for tomorrow's official launch! Some stores are also selling at Midnight!

Want to be one of the first people to nab a GameCube? Lines are already forming at retailers across the country. Don't forget to bring your GBA, and a chair!

Reports have been coming in that some 24-hour Walmarts, and other 24-hour retailers are selling exactly at Midnight. Other stores are... Read more...

November 16, 2001

Goody's got it! GC

by David Trammell - 2:03 pm EST

Some Sam Goody stores have begun selling GameCube's today.

How do we know? Because I bought one. If you made a pre-order at Sam Goody, call'em up and ask them (nicely) if they are selling their GameCube's yet. Some of them are and some of them aren't. Please don't get too excited until you call and find out what the deal in your neighborhood.


EB Online Pre-orders Being Received GC

by Mike Hrusecky - 10:06 am EST
Source: My UPS Guy

People around the country are getting their pre-order bundles from EBGames.com.

I personally received mine this morning, as many others have and will throughout the day. If you selected Next-Day Air or 2nd Day Air and live on the east coast, you may get yours today as well. KEEP AN EYE OUT!


Happy Birthday Shigeru Miyamoto!

by Max Lake - 2:11 am EST

The man behind the Nintendo magic celebrates his birthday today!

Shigeru Miyamoto was born on November 16, 1952 in Sonobe cho, Kyoto, Japan. He spent his childhood exploring the countryside around his home. Blessed with a vivid imagination, Shigeru Miyamoto pretended the halls of his home were chambers of a medieval castle. A nature lover with a thirst for adventure,... Read more...

November 15, 2001

Update: GameCube launch at midnight?

by Billy Berghammer - 7:14 pm EST

Some Walmarts across the country are selling GameCube's at midnight! What?

UPDATE: From what I've been told from reports, most Walmarts have switched back to Sunday for a release date. I had talked to several Walmarts today before I posted this. I'm not a moron. I looked into this before I posted it. There were several Walmart personel that I spoke with that said, "Yes,... Read more...


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