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October 31, 2000

KIAME released

by Ty Shughart - 1:09 am EST
Source: KIAME.com

Arcade Killer Instince emulation?

The Killer Instinct arcade machine emulator is out! It works darn well, too, it's got fullscreen and joystick support. Sound and netplay (!) is on the way. You can grab it at www.kiame.com ... don't ask us about the machine hard drive/roms, though. Heh. Stay legal, kids.


October 27, 2000

Namco seeks NGC programmers GC

by Jonathan Metts - 7:26 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

Namco is searching for senior programmers with PS1, PS2, GameCube or Xbox experience.

Those "too cool for sleep" guys and gals over at FGN Online have discovered Namco's search for senior-level programmers, with the interesting comment "PS1, PS2, Gamecube, or X-Box experience a plus." The games being worked on include a racing title to start a new franchise, and some type of action-adventure... Read more...

October 26, 2000

Lost in a new world...

by Billy Berghammer - 9:25 pm EDT

Billy begs for Zelda MM impressions because he has no time to start playing it just yet...

Things a little quiet lately? Do you blame Zelda? I think that's a possibility. If you haven't picked up your copy of Zelda: Majora's Mask...what the hell is your problem? I would say 98% of PlanetN2000's staff has been sucked into the 72 hour Zelda love fest. Go figure...

Personally, I really...

October 24, 2000

Movie explosion - update GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:37 pm EDT
Source: CVG news

Full length movies from Spaceworld just went up at Computer and Videogames news. Movies include Luigi's Mansion, Joanna Dark, Car demo (simply awesome).

A few days ago here at the Planet we informed you readers about the appearance of full length videos of GameCube (and GBA) tech demos on the net. Most fans were probably wondering why it took this long to get them, but rest assured that they're here. Recently a few new movies have been added to CV&G's... Read more...

Majora's Mask Released!

by Billy Berghammer - 11:56 am EDT

Majora's Mask goes on sale a few days early.

Reports around the US have confirmed the rumor of an early Zelda: Majora's Mask release. That's right brothers and sisters....Zelda has hit a mall store near you! The main mall chains like Electronics Boutique, Software Etc., Babbages, Walden Software should have their shipments of Gold Carts for... Read more...

October 23, 2000

Rebirth in Real Time... for Real? GC

by Zosha Arushan - 9:03 pm EDT
Source: IGN Cube

Mix Core reveals that a part of the Rebirth demo was running in real time... and the whole thing would have been if there was a little more time to prepare.

IGNCube has finally put an article concerning what many of us have been speculating for some time now: that a part of the Rebirth CGI demo was in fact running off the NGC hardware.

Not only was this confirmed by Mix Core but they went even further...

Excerpt from IGNCube:

Mix Core recently...

October 22, 2000

Brownie Brown Interview GBA

by Mike Sklens - 7:18 pm EDT
Source: Tendo Project

Brownie Brown talks about their GBA RPG, Magical Vacation. GameCube is also mentioned by this developer that is made of ex-employees of Squaresoft.

The TendoProject has snagged another interview. This time it's with the new development house Brownie Brown. It speaks about the name of the company and a bit about their current development "Magical Vacation."

Brownie Brown is focusing on "Magical Vacation" as their only product in development... Read more...

Mix-Core hints at new project GC

by Jonathan Metts - 5:17 pm EDT
Source: Mix Core

A small treat from Mix-Core.

NCL development house Mix-Core has released a single screenshot of its newest project, known only as "2" right now.

No information is provided with the screen, but the file path contains the words "Hakofune" and "neji_T2"...could be a clue. The art style is also clearly different from Rebirth's nature themes. Kudos to Quest17 for telling me about this little treat.


October 21, 2000

The NES at 15!

by Zosha Arushan - 7:14 pm EDT
Source: Gamers.com

Gamers.com takes a trip down memory lane for the 15th anniversary of the Nintendo Entertainment System.

While it may seem like only yesterday, it's certainly been awhile since Super Mario Bros. was the height of technology. However it's time to traipse down memory lane once more as Gamers.com has a fond look back at the system that signified the resurrection of the Gaming Industry.

So pull out your vinyl, comb back that mullet, break out those horrible glam-rock music videos and rock on to the NES' 15th anniversary!


A Movie Explosion GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 1:07 am EDT
Source: CVG news.

Direct feeds (i.e. not recorded by some guy with a video camera) of Space World movies!

Nintendo enthusiasts everywhere were quick to download any Spaceworld movies of Gamecube and GBA, yet for the most part this was either pre-edited footage or non direct-feed. Thanks to Computer & Video Games, FULL length videos of the Gamecube demonstrations have just made available to the public.... Read more...

October 20, 2000

NGCDC Details GC

by Zosha Arushan - 9:51 pm EDT
Source: IGN cube

IGN cube gives details about the forthcoming GameCube developers conference.

Remember that "Developer Conference" that Michael Rubinelli of THQ mentioned a little while back at IGNCube? Well the boys over there have shed some more light on this mysterious event.

Evidently Nintendo has a date in late November in mind, although there is no day set in stone. Here's was IGNCube had to say about it:


Hiroshi Imanishi speaks GC

by Zosha Arushan - 9:03 pm EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Core Magazine gets an interview with Hiroshi Imanishi (not Yamauchi). Imanishi calls the PSX ad campaigns "novel promotion".

Our friends over at Core Magazine snagged a little interview with Nintendo's Managing Director: Hiroshi Imanishi. He talks about Nintendo's past successes and (hopeful) future conquests, too.

Here's a sample of the wonderful goodness:

Question: Do you think Nintendo has been deprived of the same market opportunity as when you launched the Famicom (NES)?


Capcom goes multi-platform GC

by Mike Sklens - 12:46 pm EDT
Source: IGN Cube

IGN Cube reports on Capcom's plans to support all systems with online games that are compatable with each other. Is a Capcom's Nintendo vs. Sony far off?

Capcom announced 2 days ago that any of their upcoming games that support internet play will be going to all 5 systems. This is great news. Also, all the versions of the games will be able to play against each other, so internet gaming won't be segregated by system.

The company is moving forward...

October 19, 2000

Megaman EXE art & screens! GC

by Max Lake - 2:33 pm EDT
Source: Magic Box

IGN Cube reports on Capcom's plans to support all systems with online games that are compatable with each other. Is a Capcom's Nintendo vs. Sony far off?

Magic Box has just posted some new artwork and screenshots of Megaman EXE heading to Gameboy Advance. The images show off EXE's RPG style of play namely scenes of characters conversing and a look at one of the menu-screens, which is decked out by those lovable "hardhat" characters that populate ever... Read more...

October 18, 2000

The Jungle Book Details Emerge? GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:39 pm EDT
Source: Daily Radar

Kosta links some shots of and tells us all about The Jungle Book which will be coming to every next-gen platform you can think of. LINKS TO PICS

In some stellar reporting on Daily Radar's part (yes that was sarcasm), news has broken that Disney's The Jungle Book is set to get a current and next-generation outing by Ubi-Soft. Instead of being another adventure or platformer, the game will be 'dance' orientated and will appear on Playstation, Playstation 2, PC, GameCube and Game Boy Color. Ubi-Soft's description of the game:


FFXI Goes Multiplatform GC

by Jonathan Metts - 5:09 pm EDT
Source: GameSpot

GameSpot and Nikkei Computer get jiggy with Square...

In news originating from Nikkei Computer in Japan, GameSpot reports that Square has apparently signed on as an official third-party Xbox developer, and the legendary RPG developer is already working to bring Final Fantasy XI to the system. So why should this interest us Nintendo fanboys (and fangirls)?... Read more...

October 17, 2000

Volition eyes GameCube? GC

by Jonathan Metts - 9:09 pm EDT
Source: GameSpot

Volition sacrifices graphics for gameplay and is thinking about developing for the GameCube.

You may have already heard of Volition. They're responsible for Summoner, the first Playstation 2 RPG, and they're hard at work on Red Faction, a first-person shooter for PS2 and PC. They stand out as one of the first developers to accomplish anti-aliasing on the difficult PS2 hardware. In an interview with GameSpot, Philip Holt, Volition's director of development, touched on a few interesting issues, including possible GameCube development:


October 16, 2000

Nintendojo Returns!

by Max Lake - 1:08 pm EDT
Source: Nintendojo!

The dojo returns from nothingness. Still no word from RareNet.

After a noticeable absence, Nintendojo has ended its offline down time & resumes regular updates today. Unfortunately though, Nintendojo FR, Dojo Wrestling Monopoly and RareNet are still kaput though we hope they'll be back soon. (RareNet I know is working hard on this, but having some problems -don't... Read more...

October 14, 2000

THQ In-ter-view GC

by Max Lake - 8:43 am EDT
Source: IGN Cube

Wow! IGNCube updated! This doesn't happen very often folks...

IGNCube has burst out of retirement again to bring a nifty (albeit brief) interview with THQ's vice president of product development, Michael Rubinell. Mr. Rubinell definitely seemed enthusiastic about Nintendo's future (aren't we all) and had some interesting things to say. Here's some of the highlights:


Konami baseball for GBA GBA

by Max Lake - 8:16 am EDT
Source: Tendo Project

Tendo Project gets the skinny on Powerful Pro Kun Pocket (a name that will certainly change should this title see American shores).

Konami have announced that they'll be bringing their popular Baseball series to GBA Powerful Pro Kun Pocket. KCEO will be doing the development duties & the game should be available at launch. The US hasn't seen any previous installments of the baseball series, so no reason to think we'll see this one. There's not much of a market for "Super Deformed Sports" I guess. I'd play 'em! Anyone remember Super Dodgeball? Anyway, here's a screenshot.



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