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October 13, 2000

Pokémon & C-Phone connectivity GBA

by Max Lake - 1:05 pm EDT
Source: NintendoWeb.com

Nintendo releases info Gameboy cell phone adapter. This may ultimately be Japan only, but it allows Pokémasters to trade and fight over cell phones with Pokémon Crystal.

For those of you curious on what Nintendo had in mind for online connectivity via cellular phones, NintendoWeb has got some answers. In conjunction with the Japanese coming of Pokémon Crystal, on Dec. 4th, Nintendo will release a mobile-adaptor for cell phones that will allow Pokémon-masters to... Read more...

THQ Nab Tetris GBA

by Max Lake - 12:48 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

THQ snaps up the Tetris license for every system imaginable, but the GameCube isn't on the list. Can you say NDA?

Anyone who's ever bought or played a Gameboy console is probably all too familiar with Tetris. Well, it seems that GBA will be getting a version of the classic puzzle game too, courtesy of THQ. In an agreement with Blue Planet Software THQ acquired the rights to produce Tetris games on next-generation... Read more...

October 12, 2000

Mo' Sony Troubles

by Max Lake - 4:26 pm EDT
Source: MSNBC.com

Mr. Kent breaks it down at MSNBC.

What the heck, let's make it "Slam Sony Day" at the Planet today! Nevermind I'm personally NOT a big Sony hater or a system-loyalist for that matter. Nevermind I haven't even devoted much time into looking for Nintendo news today either (this is a Nintendo site, right?). The above linked editorial... Read more...

October 11, 2000

If you thought $299 was bad...

by Zosha Arushan - 10:00 pm EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Zosha posts an off-topic story about the ever expensive PS2. Retailers all over are going crazy, raising prices, screwing kids over. It's quite simply a big mess.

OK, this isn't Nintendo news at all, but as a wise man once said "Know how thy enemy doth piss everyone else off." Take a look at what Core Magazine had to say about the recent PS2 cutbacks...

Today we received word from the owner of chain of gaming related stores in the north-east regarding... Read more...

Sin and Punishment gets a date!

by Mike Sklens - 8:15 pm EDT
Source: IGN 64

S&P gets a release date in Japan. We still don't know if it's going to hit the states yet.

In Japan. Not here though. It's still unclear as if the shooter by Nintendo and Treasure will becoming out in the good old U S of A. But it will be released in Japan on November 21st. According to IGN...

Nintendo doesn't have it listed to hit in the US until at least the second quarter of next year, if ever.


Animal Forest for GBA GC

by Max Lake - 4:07 pm EDT

Nintendo shows off Animal Forest at Spaceworld, Max gets excited about it!

At the recent Spaceworld show, Nintendo showed off a new type of "communication game" in the form of "Dobutsu no Mori" AKA "Animal Forest" Courtesy of a Shiggy interview in the Nintendo Official Magazine UK.

The interview had the big man commenting that they want to make Animal Forest for... Read more...

Zelda 2 GBA Demo: UPDATE! GBA

by Max Lake - 4:06 pm EDT

Correction on an Oct 5th story (original reported by TendoProject).

We have a slight correction regarding / additional information on the story we posted on October 5th (& originally reported by TNP) about a Zelda 2 demo running on GBA. While we stated that Zelda 2 was not confirmed, the demo might indicate a possibility it might be coming. It's probably only wishful thinking. One of our longtime pals, Ravi "Agent Double-O" Hiranand got in touch with this correction:


Here comes 'Sponge Bob' GCGBA

by Max Lake - 2:00 pm EDT
Source: TendoProject.com

THQ drives another stake through the heart of the valiant people fighting to rid Nintendo of it's "kiddie" image.

THQ have announced plans to develop games based on Nickolodeon shows SpongeBob SquarePants and Rocket Power licenses, which will appear on a variety of platforms including GBA and GBC in 2001. Germaine Gioia, THQ Vice President of licensing gushed with excitement: "The unique characters of SpongeBob... Read more...

Infogrames Teams w/Hudson

by Max Lake - 1:20 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

FGN Online to the rescue! Here's news about Infogrames and Hudson teaming up to increase distribution and develop online networking for games!

From the "Whoop de Doo but Still News" department comes another 'lil critter via FGN Online. It seems Infogrames and Hudson Soft have teamed to create a joint company predictably called Infogrames Hudson. The company will be located in Tokyo and run by one of Hudson Soft's executive directors. The... Read more...

More Funny from Tendo Box...

by Mike Sklens - 1:03 pm EDT
Source: Tendo Box

Oh those guys at Tendo Box are a hoot! Always typing up something funny and putting it online. They've done a Majora's Mask parody article. Hahahaha! (OK, so we didn't laugh that hard!)

It seems the boys over a Tendo Box are at it again. They've cook up a devilishly funny article concerning the secret powers that the masks in the upcoming Zelda game. It turns out the masks aren't as powerful as we thought. You better do yourself a favor and check it out.

Nintendo may have you...

GBA Graphic 'State'ment GBA

by Max Lake - 12:44 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

Information on developers Graphic State, who will be producing software for GBA. We have this news thanks to FGN's exclusive w/a better title!

In a rare FGN Online exclusive, comes word of another company joining the ever-increasing ranks of GBA developers. This time it's UK-based Graphic State, who report to be working on two GBA titles. No details are known about the titles save that they will be similar to recent Crawfish tech demos.... Read more...

October 10, 2000

David D Hints at Turok GBA GBA

by Max Lake - 10:00 pm EDT
Source: Nintendo Web

Thanks to NintendoWeb, Turok head-honcho David Dienstbier let it slip that he is very interested in bringing everbody's favorite dinosaur hunter to Game Boy Advance.

Despite some lackluster reviews of Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion it seems that the "Titan behind Turok" (as I'll cleverly dub him now) David Dienstbier is still quite enthusiastic about everyone's favorite dino hunter. Dave elusively avoids confirming any future projects (Turok or otherwise) though did have some interesting things to say.


Fresh Meat!

by Billy Berghammer - 8:54 pm EDT
Source: Planet Staff!

The Planet staff grows by three more people. Meet the newest staffers & welcome them aboard!

We suckered a few new people out there to join the ranks here at PlanetN2000. Please welcome the new pledges...

Zosha Arushan, AKA Dragona. The baddest ass Nintendo lovin' girl we know. Hell yeah! She's out new C3-PO. As well as whoppin' ya'll asses into shape. And hell, here last name is sorta like Samuses. :)


News on the Panasonic Handheld

by Max Lake - 1:32 pm EDT
Source: N-Sider.com

More N-Sider goodness. Panasonic has just confirmed its own handheld gaming console. Waitaminute, isn't Panasonic an ally of Nintendo?!? Seems kinda competitive. With friends like these...

Well, it looks as if the rumors were true. Panasonic is planning their own handheld, bluetooth compatible at that. If you didn't know Bluetooth is a new wireless standard that lets any bluetooth device communicate with any other bluetooth device. Quite the good idea, especially for gaming. N-Sider... Read more...

October 9, 2000

Five Games + Shiggy = Heaven GC

by Zosha Arushan - 10:00 pm EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Core Magazine tear it up with Shiggy in yet another interview with Shigeru Miyamoto (when is Planet gonna get the love?). Check out comments pertaining to Miyamoto maybe having five games by l

The fine people at Core Magazine have a nice little interview with the man himself, Miyamoto-sensei. While it's not incredibly long, we get a glimpse of one of the more important NGC variables: namely the number of games available at launch.

Question: You mentioned at Spaceworld that five titles will launch alongside the GameCube next July?


On the Great One Himself

by Mike Sklens - 8:20 pm EDT
Source: N-Sider.com

The N-Sider have done an excellent profile of Shigeru Miyamoto called "Chronicles of a Visionary!"

N-Sider has just cooked up quite the treat. It's a profile of the man him self, Miyamoto. It's rather long, so make sure you keep a soda handy to keep awake. It chronicles everything from the start of his childhood on. It's quite the interesting read and you all should check it out.


Controlling 128 Marios GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 5:56 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

More quotes from Mr. Miyamoto, this time about the demo "Mario 128" and if there is any chance that it will be released to the public.

When the Gamecube was unveiled at Spaceworld, the very funny technical demonstration dubbed Mario 128 did not fail to impress both press and public. In a recent interview with UK mag Edge, the ever talkative Shigeru Miyamoto talked about his current projects and the possibility of releasing Mario 128.


October 7, 2000

Gold Controllers on Sale!

by Billy Berghammer - 10:16 pm EDT

Remember the super-elusive, ultra rare, wowee-I-want-one, collectors' edition gold-colored N64 controllers? Well, we know where you can get one!

If you've been a long time Nintendo follower, you know that one of the coveted things to get for your N64 was the limited edition gold controller. Nintendo Power sold them for a very short period of time, and you could get one from Toys R' Us with a system about 4 years ago. But it was a pretty difficult task to find one. Hell, I paid 70 bucks for one online 3 years ago.


October 5, 2000

Quest of Pinobee Info GBA

by Jonathan Metts - 9:23 pm EDT
Source: The Nintendo Project

The Nintendo Project scored an interview with Artoon, the developer of Pinobee: Quest of Heart. We've got the highlights & more!

The Nintendo Project has scored an interesting interview with Artoon, the developers of the highly anticipated GBA game, Pinobee: Quest of Heart. If that's not exciting enough for you, perhaps you'd be interested to know that Artoon is made up of former Sonic Team members from Sega, including one... Read more...

Great Escape game on GC?

by Max Lake - 4:37 pm EDT
Source: GameSpot News

SCi Plans for the "Great Escape." The movie was a classic - can it make a great game?

From Videogames.com comes this report I couldn't resist posting. There are "great" chances we'll see a game based on the classic flick "The Great Escape", the movie based on a true story of a corsageous & stealthy escape of P.O.Ws from a Nazi Prison camp. British software developer SCi successfully... Read more...


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