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Consoles Vs PCs

by Billy Berghammer - April 25, 2000, 11:58 am EDT
Source: VoodooExtreme

A look at the age old arguement, modern-style.

This has been a rather big arguement lately that has been brewing for a long time. Which is the better gaming platform...the Console or PC. Granted both have their advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I like both. Unfortunately my Commodore 64 is running rather slow to play games like Unreal Tournament, Quake 3, etc. Sure, I wouldn't mind a 800mhz PIII with a GeForce Card, but in reality...it's expensive. Then again in a few weeks I'm building a new PC (After shopping at E3). It's a heck of a lot easier for the average joe (as they call 'em "Soccer Mom's") to afford a console. I could go on for days with the pluses and minuses of both. Arrrgh! Anyhoo, I was checking out one of my favorite PC news sites, Voodoo Extreme, and noticed that they had a little rant about this topic. I'd slam Voodoo Extreme for such a rediculous post, but the big cheese Billy Wilson didn't write it. Obviously this guy who wrote this (Ga'ash Soffer) has never played Zelda, Mario, 1080, Donkey Kong, Wave Race, Metroid, F-Zero, etc. Hey, I'm not ripping on PC games, because as I have admitted, there are some PC games that I absolutely love. But this is a really shallow, narrow look at this arguement. Have fun in the comments area with this one. It's a real doozy.

Consoles overtaking PC, I don't think so.

All this talk about consoles overtaking PCs is utter BS and the reasons aren't that surprising. First of all, take a look at the games. Console games take 10 nanoseconds to learn how to play, 10 seconds to start enjoying, 10 minutes to get sick of and 30 minutes to name all the prequels. Of course, it's hard to blame the console side; just spelling a name with a console controller takes longer than eight dollars in quarters would last anyone at the arcades, provided they even have an apostrophe choice. And what would be the point of playing for a long time? To be placed in the painful position of either saving over whatever is in the one precious save slot or lose the progress of an 18 hour thumb-numbing session? Ok, so new consoles will have hard drives, but still, 32MB of RAM isn't enough for many games, even when you subtract the overhead RAM the PC needs. The thing is, even if the console was as powerful as the PC, game developers would still be making Final Fantasy 37, Street Fighter Epsilon 62, and Mortal Kombat 48, the return of the return of the return of Goro. The developers haven't much of a choice. The "soccer mom who buys a console for Christmas to shut up 3rd grade kid with severe case of ADD" market is too much to abandon and software developers don't have time to pump out sequel after sequel of Tekken and make something creative and fun for more than 13 minutes.

Regarding internet capability, etc., there is another reason consoles will not overtake the PC. It's explained nicely in question form: If a console has a keyboard, a mouse, and can do everything a PC can do just as well, would it still be a "console?"

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