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Nintendo Downloads - May 2, 2013

by Tyler Ohlew - May 2, 2013, 11:53 am EDT
Total comments: 28

Tank! Tank! Tank! goes Free! Free! Free! Also 3DS eshop sales, Wii U VC, and more!

Sometime between last week and now, Nintendo decided they didn't want your money. No, they wanted all the money. Your cat's money, your dog's money, even the money you give to your daughter when she loses a tooth. Lots of sales, lots of new stuff, lots of old stuff. Nintendo is pulling out all the stops, and it's not going to get any easier for your wallet.

3DS eShop Retail Sales

Art of Balance TOUCH! - $4.99 Until May 9

Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! - $3.49 Until May 9

Nano Assault EX - $9.99 Until May 9

Pushmo - $4.99 Until May 9

3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure - $4.99 Until May 9

Dillon's Rolling Western - $6.99 Until May 9

Fluidity: Spin Cycle - $7.99 Until May 9

Tokyo Crash Mobs - $4.99 Until May 9

ATV Wild Ride 3D - $5.99 Until May 9

Marvel Pinball 3D - $4.99 Until May 9

Wii U eShop Retail Sales

Zen Pinball 2 - Marvel Tables 50% Off Until May 9

Wii U eShop Games

Kung Fu Rabbit - $4.99

Lagomorphs have a more impressive history in gaming than one may expect. The titular Max from the Sam & Max series, Zero III from Virtue's Last Reward, and even those sweet rabbit ears from Super Mario Land 2 rank high on my list of illustrious leporidae. Kung Fu Rabbit has come to take a crack at that list with its take on the platforming genre. Guide the nimble rabbit through the challenging world before you. If Kung Fu has taught you anything, it's to always be prepared for blob attacks. And if being a rabbit has taught you anything, it's that carrots are delicious. Good luck, brave lapin!

Wii U Virtual Console

Mega Man - $4.99

Celebrate Mega Man's 26th anniversary with this Virtual Console release of the blue bomber's first adventure. Mow down Cut Man, Fire Man, Guts Man, Elec Man, Ice Man, and Bomb Man as you blast your way to Dr. Wily and end his menacing ways. Looking back, it's a little sad knowing that our little humanoid buddy would have to face evil so often, never getting to enjoy his robot-childhood. How must it feel when you're called to action and all you want to feel is the cold steel of a Mega Woman's kiss? Maybe instead of viewing his recent activity as a hiatus, we should think of it as him taking a little break.

Pac-Man - $4.99

Now, how should I go about this? Should I pretend that Pac-Man is some unknown gem, perhaps stumble over the name a bit? That's how most go about it, but lets buck the trend. You know Pac-Man. This is Pac-Man. Steer the Pac of Men through a maze littered with fruit and ghosts. You wanna get the fruit, avoid the ghosts. Not much to it, but its certainly a classic.

3DS eShop Games

BearShark - $TBD

When it comes to this endless runner, I guess you have two choices; be eaten by a shark, or eaten by a bear? Not sure there's a clear winner there, although the shark part may result in drowning, something I don't anticipate enjoying. Regardless, try to face neither outcome by running as far and long as you can, jumping over any hazards along the way.

My Riding Stables 3D - Jumping for the Team - $TBD

Funny, all rich tycoons are foiled by young people with a dream. When one such baron sets his sights on your horse stable, it time to play some mini games and send that fool packing. Put your condominiums somewhere else, ya jerk!

Gummy Bears Magical Medallion - $TBD

There I was (yesterday to be exact), thinking the I had pushed the limits on just how much you can play with a gummy bear. I thought I had reached any sort of discernible limit, and them I hear about Gummy Bears Magical Medallion. I no longer had to stage plays or push them into crevices, suddenly I can control one across cheerful landscapes, running and jumping as I go! What a pleasant surprise.

3DS Virtual Console:

Balloon Fight - $4.99

Honestly, Balloon Fight is one of the few NES games that Nintendo trots out for the Virtual Console that I can be bothered to play with anymore. But not for the main portion of the game, oh no. Balloon Trip is where it's at. It's pretty addictive, and really holds up. Hell, this B-Side attraction was the beginnings of both Balloon Kid and Balloon Trip Breeze (for Game Boy and Wii U's Nintendo Land, respectively).

DSiWare Games:

Armageddon: Operation Dragon - $TBD

I can stretch the truth at times, play around with the intentions or premise of a title. But I don't think I want to for this one. Armageddon: Operation Dragon has you riding a dragon across four planets, collecting balls of energy to prevent the destruction of your home planet. Listen, if we had dragons I'd do the same thing. Who wants to give that up? You've got a best friend for life right there.


llafferMay 02, 2013

Tank! Tank! Tank! is a poor attempt at a freemium model game. You don't have access to Story Mode, and you only have access to 3 out of 4 of the multiplayer modes.  I don't know how much it cost to unlock them, but considering the game doesn't tell me this until I've made a character name and took two pictures of my face to be used in the game before telling me I can't play it.  I just deleted it. 

Just like Zen Pinball 2, the DLC on Wii U is too much of a pain to deal with for microtransactions.

Disco StuMay 02, 2013

Pac-Man?!  Pac-Man?!?!?!  Yeah, screw you too NOA.

Leo13May 02, 2013

I love Tank Tank Tank. Give it a try!!!

eggface123May 02, 2013

Ugh. Thanks for nothing Nintendo.  RELEASE SOMETHING NEW F@CKING CHRIST!

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 02, 2013

it's worth noting that all 10 ambassador nes games are now available to the general public, i see a lack of gb/gbc in that area...

TJ SpykeMay 02, 2013

Quote from: pokepal148

it's worth noting that all 10 ambassador nes games are now available to the general public, i see a lack of gameboy in that area...

Nintendo has already said numerous times that they have no plans to release Game Boy Advance games to non-Ambassadors. I don't get why anybody thinks it is gonna happen, they have never even hinted it will happen.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 02, 2013

Quote from: TJ

Quote from: pokepal148

it's worth noting that all 10 ambassador nes games are now available to the general public, i see a lack of gameboy in that area...

Nintendo has already said numerous times that they have no plans to release Game Boy Advance games to non-Ambassadors. I don't get why anybody thinks it is gonna happen, they have never even hinted it will happen.

i mean gameboy/gbc games, 2 nes games and 0 gb games this month, you see a problem? i do...

TJ SpykeMay 02, 2013

It's the first Nintendo Download of the month. So, no, I don't see a problem. I do think they can add more Game Boy and Game Boy Color games, but i'm not worried.

I'm going to download Tank! Tank! Tank! just to see if I get some Club Nintendo coins.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 02, 2013

it's a handheld virtual console, i think we should focus more on handheld games then nes games... it has been a trend

TJ SpykeMay 02, 2013

Put part of the blame on third parties, they are the ones in develop the VC versions. Also, part of it is based on games that will sell.

joshnickersonMay 02, 2013

Quote from: eggface123

Ugh. Thanks for nothing Nintendo.  RELEASE SOMETHING NEW F@CKING CHRIST!


smallsharkbigbiteMay 02, 2013

Somewhat intrigued by Dillon's Rolling Western.  Is it worth paying $6.99 even though a sequel exists for it?

azekeMay 02, 2013

Quote from: smallsharkbigbite

Somewhat intrigued by Dillon's Rolling Western.  Is it worth paying $6.99 even though a sequel exists for it?

There is a demo. i think.

I didn't liked it

AVMay 03, 2013

Tank tank tank is dumb one note game but its pretty fun . I might pick up some DLC

TrueNerdMay 03, 2013

Quote from: TJ

Quote from: pokepal148

it's worth noting that all 10 ambassador nes games are now available to the general public, i see a lack of gameboy in that area...

Nintendo has already said numerous times that they have no plans to release Game Boy Advance games to non-Ambassadors. I don't get why anybody thinks it is gonna happen, they have never even hinted it will happen.

Because they'd be really stupid not to do it. I mean I guess putting them on Wii U is okay but I'd much rather have GBA games on 3DS. Plus it's not like Nintendo hasn't ever gone back on their word after they said they weren't going to do something.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorMay 03, 2013

The thing is, they've never said that they weren't going to do it.  Just that there were "no plans".  You know, I have "no plans" for dinner over the course of the next month.  I guess I'm just not going to eat dinner ever again.

ejamerMay 03, 2013

Quote from: UncleBob

The thing is, they've never said that they weren't going to do it.  Just that there were "no plans".  You know, I have "no plans" for dinner over the course of the next month.  I guess I'm just not going to eat dinner ever again.

Hasn't this discussion happened before, almost verbatim?  Or am I suffering from TJ Spyke deja vu?

TJ SpykeMay 03, 2013

We have. And UB, the thing is that Nintendo has never changed their stance on this for the last 2 years. How long before you admit that GBA games won't be coming?

Mop it upMay 03, 2013

We'll admit GBA games aren't coming when the 4DS comes out.

Didn't they say "no plans" for a Wii Sports sequel for a long time?

broodwarsMay 03, 2013

Quote from: TJ

We have. And UB, the thing is that Nintendo has never changed their stance on this for the last 2 years. How long before you admit that GBA games won't be coming?

Whatever Nintendo says to the contrary, there's no way they're going to throw away the money they could have made on those GBA Ambassador games. It makes no financial sense to NOT sell some of your most popular GBA games to what is a substantially larger audience now.  The games will come eventually, just as Earthbound eventually came despite Nintendo saying for decades that they had "no plans" to re-release it.

ejamerMay 03, 2013

On a happier note, Rising Board 3D is on sale this week despite not being listed above or on the 3DS eShop sales page.

$1.50 for a silly fun little game that allows you to be a surfing penguin pulling off ridiculous stunts? I'm on board with that.

TJ SpykeMay 03, 2013

Except Nintendo has expressed interest in releasing EB before, they have not given any indication that they will change their mind on GBA. If they wanted to do it, I think they would have done it by now since they would be making a ton of money from it.

I wonder why Nintendo didn't mention that on the list with the other sales?

broodwarsMay 03, 2013

Quote from: TJ

Except Nintendo has expressed interest in releasing EB before, they have not given any indication that they will change their mind on GBA. If they wanted to do it, I think they would have done it by now since they would be making a ton of money from it.

Like I said, though, it makes no financial sense. These are VC releases already ready to go, and Nintendo's in some well-deserved trouble right now with the shareholders.  If I'm a Nintendo shareholder, and I see that the company is deliberately sitting on an opportunity to make money off work they've already done with the company in the state it's in now, I have to question Iwata's competency and whether he should remain in charge of Nintendo.

Nintendo might just sit on those games because they're Nintendo and they frequently do stupid things, but there's no logical reason why they should.  That's why I've said those games are eventually coming in one way or another.

TJ SpykeMay 03, 2013

You mean the same idiot shareholders who said Nintendo should start releasing iOS games?

I do think they should release GBA games on the 3DS, but there has not been any indication it's gonna happen. Until it does, I think it's silly to act like it's gonna.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterMay 03, 2013

Quote from: broodwars

Quote from: TJ

Except Nintendo has expressed interest in releasing EB before, they have not given any indication that they will change their mind on GBA. If they wanted to do it, I think they would have done it by now since they would be making a ton of money from it.

Like I said, though, it makes no financial sense. These are VC releases already ready to go, and Nintendo's in some well-deserved trouble right now with the shareholders.  If I'm a Nintendo shareholder, and I see that the company is deliberately sitting on an opportunity to make money off work they've already done with the company in the state it's in now, I have to question Iwata's competency and whether he should remain in charge of Nintendo.

Nintendo might just sit on those games because they're Nintendo and they frequently do stupid things, but there's no logical reason why they should.  That's why I've said those games are eventually coming in one way or another.

Yeah the ambassador gba games are not ready to be sold to the general public they were literally roms i mean you can't even use  sleep mode there

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorMay 03, 2013

Quote from: TJ

We have. And UB, the thing is that Nintendo has never changed their stance on this for the last 2 years. How long before you admit that GBA games won't be coming?


Quote from: TJ

You mean the same idiot shareholders who said Nintendo should start releasing iOS games?

I do think they should release GBA games on the 3DS, but there has not been any indication it's gonna happen. Until it does, I think it's silly to act like it's gonna.

I think it's silly to act like it's not going to. It makes sense on every level. It makes them money and would be praised by just about everyone. Nintendo has a history of saying they have no plans right up until they decide to announce it. There is no subtlety to Nintendo PR, only ON and OFF. Nintendo would be unbelievably stupid not to put these games on there, and it's irrational to believe there is a real chance that they won't.

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