Author Topic: Nintendo Downloads - April 25, 2013  (Read 3668 times)

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Nintendo Downloads - April 25, 2013
« on: April 25, 2013, 11:50:57 AM »

Get a taste of Rayman, pile up junk, and power up that Mega Buster!

Did you feel slighted by Rayman Legends delay? Perhaps you took to Twitter and threw shade at Ubisoft all day. Maybe you went ham on the UPlay Miiverse community. Well, Ubisoft listened, and today you get your consolation prize, the Rayman Legends Challenges App. It's free, but if you've got some dough on hand, why don't you pick up that 3DS and check out Crazy Construction, or Color Commando? If the Wii U update comes out, hold down the B button to boot into Wii mode, and download Sengoku from the Virtual Console. Lots of options today, so choose wisely!


Wii U eShop Games

Rayman Legends Challenges App- Free

I know, I know. "Nothing in life is free," so what's the catch? Well, besides being an apology for this years "betrayal" (cue flashbacks to Final Fantasy XIII for Xbox 360), Rayman games are pretty cheap for Ubisoft. Did you know that arms and legs are the hardest and most expensive part of a character to model? Talk to the Gears of Wars guys, all those rippling biceps don't come cheap. This bit of software works like a time trial of sorts, letting players compete amongst each other as they race across four of Legends's stages. New challenges are created weekly, so there's always work to do for our limbless wonder.

3DS eShop Games

Crazy Construction - $TBD

I believe a poet by the name Leonard Kravitz once said, "Excuse me while I kiss the sky." We may never know if he was talking about Crazy Construction, but I like to think he was. In it, players build a giant mound in hopes of reaching a goal. After building up traffic cones, curling pucks, and old televisions high enough, players must hope their piling prowess is as strong as they believe, lest it come tumbling down. To quote Leonard once more, "Let's fade into the sun, let your spirit fly, where we are one."

3DS Virtual Console

Mega Man 4 - $4.99

After all the venom spat over Mega Man 2 versus Mega Man 3, it's nice to just sit back and unwind over a game no one would argue is any better. Mega Man 4 is not as celebrated as its predecessors (some note it as the series's moment of decline), but is it not fun? Well, I'll let you decide. Until then, let's just relax knowing that Wily is dead and gone, and Mega Man can finally go to school or something else that normal "people" do. Just let him grab a cold on---, wait, who is this Cossack jerk? What do you mean he's built 8 robot masters?! What a load! Poor Mega Man, when will he have his time in the sun?

DSiWare Games

Color Commando - $TBD

Alright, soldiers, FALL IN! You know why you're all here today, to wipe that mutant enemy scum off the face of SWEET MOTHER EARTH! Your job is to locate any and all blobs of paint, and use them to solve the puzzles that the enemy has constructed! Should you come across one of these animated BOOGERS, you hit them with a blob of the same color! This is not a racial thing! All these blobs want one thing, your head in its stomach! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!

Wii Virtual Console

Sengoku - 900 Points

Surrounded by undead Japanese warriors, Dan the ninja and Bill the cowboy have run out of options. Their fists are broken and bleeding, their swords dull. With his final bit of strength, Dan murders another bad guy. "Sweet punch, dude," Bill spits out. Suddenly, the spirit if that enemy allows Dan to become an even better ninja! Restored, he beats up more guys, which releases more spirits, allowing Bill to transform into a gnarly, armoured wolf! Holy crap, WHAT GAME IS THIS? It's Sengoku, a Neo Geo game from 1991, and no one is cool enough to play it.